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State of the Union 2024

Sustainability and digital transformation in Europe are some of the topics at the heart of the event
The State of the Union event sponsored by the European University Institute (EUI) that brings together leading researchers, politicians and policy makers from all over the world to reflect on the most pressing issues facing the European Union is back.
Now on its 14th edition, the event will be held in Fiesole and Florence from Thursday 23 to Saturday 25 May.
The first two days (23 and 24 May) will focus on conferences, hosted at the EUI headquarters (Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9, Fiesole) and Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria, Florence).
Keynote speeches will address a number of key topics, including future EU enlargement, demography, economic and industrial policy, democracy and the rule of law.
Sustainability will also be a central topic, with debates on the importance of the green transition in promoting regional cohesion and combating climate change.
Digital transformation will be another area of discussion: industry experts will analyse strategies to improve competitiveness, create a strong public digital infrastructure and address the complexities of artificial intelligence and blockchain regulation.
Speakers will also address the strengthening of democracy, the fight against foreign interference and the resolution of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, topics that are of crucial importance in view of the European elections of June 2024.
Giorgia Giovannetti, Unifi lecturer in Political Economy and delegate of the University of Florence for International Relations and Multilateral Agreements, will co-moderate the panel discussion 'Are we out of the woods? The new economic policy mix' (24 May, 9 a.m. - Badia Fiesolana), in which the economic scenarios resulting from the post-inflationary crisis will be discussed, and the challenges the crisis is bringing to EU economic policy examined.
The final day (25 May) includes an Open Day in Villa Salviati (Via Bolognese 156, Florence), home of the EU's history archives: the EUI will open the doors and gardens of the villa for a day of art and culture, with guided tours, recreational activities and a focus on the upcoming European elections.
17 May 2024
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