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Afghanistan, Yesterday and Today. Personal Testimonies, Analyses, Actions and Projects

Round Table at the University Pole of the Social Sciences

An occasion for information and reflection on the past and present of Afghanistan, which will give voice to those who know it from the inside, to a geopolitical analysis, to the work of associations which have been active in the country for at least two decades, to the drama of men and women refugees, to projects which have at their center the University.


Friday 15 October at 2:30 pm at the Pole of Novoli (Building D6, room 118 in Via delle Pandette n.9, Florence), the University  Comitato Unico di Garanzia has organized a Round Table on "Afghanistan, Yesterday and Today. Personal Testimonies, Analyses, Actions and Projects", with the scientific coordination of Francesca Bucci.


After an opening welcome by Giorgia Giovannetti, the Delegate for International Relations and Multilateral Accords, and the testimonies of Afghan students, young men and women, there will be a discussion on “Afghanistan: Beyond the Conflict” with Giuliano Battiston, Director of Lettera 22, and Alberto Tonini, University of Florence Delegate for the Network of Universities for Peace. Ivana Acocella, the reference contact for students with international protection, will speak on the “UNHCR Manifesto for an Inclusive University”, followed by Simona Lanzoni, Vice President of the Pangea Foundation, on the work of the non-profit organization, and Edgardo Giordani, Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Sciences and Technologies, and Mirella Loda, University reference contact for cooperation, on the projects coordinated by the University of Florence in support of the development of Afghanistan (complete program).


To participate in the initiative, in presence or online, it is necessary to register online by Thursday 14 October at 1 pm.


11 October 2021
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