Regionally co-financed to boost the employability of young researchers Published on the University's website Call for applications for the awarding of 16 biennial research grants in the cultural sector co-funded by the Tuscany Region with resources from the European Social Fund 2021-2027 (ESF+), as part of Giovanisì'.The call for applications is available in the 'Research grants' section, selecting 'University' as the proposing subject.This competition, targeted at individuals under 36, entails the execution of 13 research projects carried out in partnership between Unifi and members of the regional cultural and creative community. These advanced educational programmes aim to enhance the professional profiles and increase the employability of young scholars and researchers. They achieve this through research activities that integrate academic knowledge with new skills required in specific work environments.The activities envisaged by the projects concern the Departments of Architecture (DIDA), Biology (BIO), Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), Earth Sciences (DST), Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), Legal Sciences (DSG) and History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts (SAGAS).You can submit your application to participate in the call by Monday 27 January (2 pm). Consult the call for applications in the Research grants section Consult the GiovaniSì website Published on: January 16th, 2025