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Social media policy


The University of Florence uses social media to keep users informed about its services, projects and initiatives. The content published covers service information, deadlines, teaching, events, research, calls, opportunities for involvement and participation.
Taking advantage of the features characteristic of such services, the University of Florence occasionally shares and forwards content and messages of public interest and utility created by third parties (other entities or subjects). The University makes every effort to verify its accuracy and reliability but accepts no liability for any incorrect or outdated information contained in it.

Rules of Use

The University of Florence is committed to managing communication and dialogue spaces within its profiles in the various social networks by asking those using it - who can take an active part in it through forms of interaction such as comments, messages or self-publication of content - to respect certain rules.
Users are asked to express their opinions fairly and moderately, based as far as possible on verifiable facts, and to respect the opinions of others.
On social networks, everyone is responsible for the content they publish and the opinions they express. However, insults, vulgarity and aggressive behaviour in general will not be tolerated.
Published content must always respect people's privacy. References to facts or details that are not of public relevance and that infringe on the personal spheres of third parties must be avoided.
Public interest is a prerequisite: these spaces cannot be used in personal cases in any way whatsoever.
Individual discussions are linked to specific topics of general interest: we ask all participants to respect this, avoiding broadening the discussion in a generic and indiscriminate manner.
No advertising, spamming or promotion of private interests or illegal activities will be tolerated.
Content that infringes copyright or the unauthorised use of registered trademarks is not permitted.


Moderation by the University of Florence within its own spaces takes place a posteriori, i.e. after publication, and is solely designed to limit any behaviour contrary to the rules, within a reasonable timeframe and manner.  In the most serious cases - and particularly in the event of non-compliance with the rules set out in this document - the University reserves the right to delete content, remove users from their spaces and report them to the moderation filters of the host social network.