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Job Placement and Careers

Our offer includes

Orientamento e Job Placement

The Job Placement and Careers service accompanies students and recent graduates of the University of Florence towards entering the world of work, through services and initiatives aimed at:

  • build specific knowledge and skills to guide and support the transition from education to work, encouraging informed choices and increasing employability;
  • create opportunities to meet the labor market, encouraging participation in selection processes that can lead to job placement.

Risorse utili

E-learning training

Online courses to develop communication skills, write an effective CV and cover letter, prepare for selection interviews, and use social networks for the world of work.

Individual advisor

Online meetings with expert consultants, to make a detailed review of your CV and prepare for a selection interview (in Italian and English)

Soft Skills Workshops

Interactive workshops to enhance transversal skills, build a map of one's skills and participate in group simulations on company selection processes.

Events and meetings with Companies

Direct meetings with companies (both remotely and in person) to get to know the market players, the professional opportunities offered and participate in dedicated selection events.

Delegato della Rettrice per il Job Placement

prof. Francesco Grasso

Delegati di Scuola per il Job Placement

È attivo un Gruppo di lavoro di Ateneo, a cui partecipano i Delegati al Job Placement delle Scuole:

I delegati sono impegnati su:

  • Auto-formazione e aggiornamento continuo sulla teoria e la pratica dell'orientamento universitario
  • Studio e ricerca di un modello teorico-scientifico innovativo di organizzazione del servizio
  • Armonizzazione delle procedure e degli strumenti dell'orientamento
  • Organizzazione di eventi collettivi di orientamento in uscita
  • Confronto di pratiche e strumenti per favorire processi innovativi
  • Studio di progetti di interesse generale per l'aggiornamento e il miglioramento continuo di OJP
  • UP KTO-Placement e Imprenditorialità

    Via Madonna del Piano, 6 
    50019 - Sesto Fiorentino

    055 457 4671 | 4636 | 4609 | 4627 | 4628
