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Admission requirements

Admission requirements

The following individuals can submit an application to participate in the competition, by the deadline indicated in the Call, with no age or citizenship limits.

All candidates in possession of the following educational qualifications issued by Italian institutions

  • Master’s Degree (Laurea magistrale) obtained under the provisions of D.M. 270/2004
  • Master’s Degree (Laurea specialistica) obtained under the provisions of D.M. 509/1999
  • Laurea obtained under the provisions in force before D.M. 509/1999 which had a legal duration of at least 4 years
  • 2nd level academic title awarded by institutions of the AFAM division (Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale – Artistic and Musical Higher Education)
  • Academic title obtained in a foreign university and declared equivalent by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) to an Italian title granting access to PhD programmes (as indicated above)

All candidates in possession of an educational qualification issued by EU institutions

  • Candidates in possession of a qualification (Master's Degree) issued by an officially recognized academic institution, which allows access to the Research Doctorate in the country of issue and which is comparable in terms of duration, level and disciplinary scope, to the Italian qualification required. The suitability of the qualification is ascertained by the admissions board or by the Academic Board (depending on the type of position for which one is applying)
  • By the acceptance date and in order to apply for enrolment, the candidate must still submit a Diploma Supplement

All candidates in possession of an educational qualification issued by non-EU institutions

  • Candidates in possession of a master’s degree issued by an officially recognized academic institution, which allows access to the Research Doctorate in the country of issue and which is comparable in terms of duration, level and disciplinary scope, to the Italian qualification required

For participation in the selection, the qualifications obtained need to be submitted with translation in Italian or English.
By the acceptance date and in order to apply for enrolment, the candidate must submit the qualifications, translated, legalized in Italian and accompanied by the Declaration of Value (DOV), issued by the competent Italian Representations of the country in which the title has been obtained.

Admissions procedure

The access to the doctorate programme is by specific public call for applications. The entire procedure is carried out online and remotely.

The call for applications will indicate, for each individual programme, the number of total positions available, the number of scholarships, any positions reserved for specific categories of candidates, modes and deadlines for sending applications. The call will contain a fact sheet for each PhD course that includes all the procedures for the selection and documentation to be submitted for the evaluation.

Admissions of non-EU candidates who apply to participate in the public competition and who are holders of scholarships funded by the Italian Government or by European or international scientific institutions, and for candidates holding research grants funded by the European Community or other European or international scientific institution, is possible. This is in addition to the number of positions stated in the Call, with procedures decided by the Academic Board of each individual programme.

Enrolment | Fees | Scholarships

At the end of the selections, the rankings are published, divided by PhD programme and the successful candidates are notified to proceed with the enrolment.
The holders of Research Grants may also be admitted, if they qualify in the final ranking.

  • Enrolment fees and attendance
    For access to the courses, in addition to the € 16 stamp duty, all enrolled students, with the exception of candidates who have won scholarships for the right to university study and candidates with a certified disability greater than 66%, are required to pay the Regional Tax for the right to study equal to € 140.00.
    Admission to the years following the first and final exam takes place by resolution of the Academic Board and is subject to having paid all due fees.
  • Scholarships
    The Academic Board of each course, on the basis of the list of enrolled students, provides for the allocation of scholarships. The annual amount of the scholarship is € 16.243,00, with disbursement in deferred monthly instalments (payment is made on the last non-business day of the month).
    The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for any authorized periods of stay abroad for research activities related to the thesis project, up to a maximum of 18 months.
    To this amount must be added, for the first, second and third year of the course, the budget for research activities in Italy and abroad equal to 10% of the amount of the scholarship, for a minimum amount of €  4.872,90.

Scholarship holders are required to register with INPS (National Institute of Social Security).

PhD students admitted by the Academic Board to the following year of the course will receive instructions on how to enrol by email from the PhD Office.

Final examination

For the purpose of admission to the discussion of the final thesis, the PhD students enrolled in the third year of the course must submit a pdf of the thesis for evaluation by two external reviewers.