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Founded in 2009, Centro di Servizi di Ateneo per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca e la gestione dell'Incubatore universitario (CsaVRI) is the service centre for the enhancement of research and management of the university incubator. 
CsaVRI coordinates the activities of the Incubatore Universitario Fiorentino (IUF), a structure of the University of Florence which since 2010 has been promoting and supporting the creation and first phase of development of start-ups and spin-offs based on entrepreneurial ideas with a high rate of innovation and with a strong link to university research.


Executive board


Internal members

External members

  • Paola Castellacci (Adiacent)
  • Silvia Ercoli (Eli Lilly)
  • Elisa Guidi (Artex)

Departments Referts

Biomedical Area

Scientific Area

Social Sciences Area

Technology Area

Humanities and Education Area