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Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)

What is DAAD

The Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst - DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) represents German universities abroad. It is the most important institution worldwide for the promotion of mobility in the academic field. DAAD is also active in many fields of cultural policy and education abroad. In this regard, in Italy it is represented by 13 readers located in various universities.

The University of Florence has entered into a collaboration agreement with the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst for the insertion of a DAAD exchange reader at the University of Florence, which performs its functions at the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology (FORLILPSI). 

DAAD Information Center in Rome

The DAAD Information Center in Rome was founded in 2004 with the aim of intensifying and coordinating academic relations between Italy and Germany. In addition to individual advice to students, doctoral students and researchers interested in an academic stay in Germany, the office promotes and curates initiatives and events at schools, universities and cultural institutions. 
The Centre offers various types of consultations:

  • Information on all questions related to studying or researching in Germany
  • Information about the German university system, international courses offered by German universities and language courses in Germany
  • Information on scholarship programs offered by the DAAD and other German foundations and entities
  • Support with orientation and enrolment at German universities

Funding for study and research in Germany

The DAAD offers various types of financing:

Individual Scholarships

  • Scholarships for study stays
  • Research Fellowships
  • Scholarships for teaching stays
  • Awards

The scholarships for Italy are aimed at students, doctoral students, researchers and professors who intend to spend part of their studies or research in Germany.

Institutional funding

  • Funding for conferences and seminars
  • Financing for study trips
  • Funding for (incoming) trainees from Germany
  • Funding for (incoming) visiting professors from Germany
  • Funding for (outgoing) visiting professors in Germany

Events and calls

Since 2015, the University, in collaboration with the DAAD, has periodically organized information seminars on scholarships for study and research stays in Germany, with various deadlines, for the promotion of funding opportunities for professors, researchers, students and PhD students.