The Multimedia Lab is a production center dedicated to the creation and management of multimedia content. Equipped with modern equipment and with a long experience, the Lab offers professional support to teachers, technicians and students.The facilities are designed to develop high-quality multimedia projects, whether they are audiovisual productions intended for dissemination, teaching or institutional communication.Thanks to the combination of technical skills and creativity, the Multimedia Lab contributes to the creation of a coherent and defined image of the University, creating original content in line with the strategic objectives of the communication area. Productions Per la realizzazione di produzioni audiovisive e multimediali è necessario presentare la richiesta (pdf) assieme alla dichiarazione di sottomissione al copyright (pdf) dell'Università di Firenze, utile per rendere il video fruibile sui vari canali di diffusione.The Lab offers a free service aimed at the university community that requests it.For the creation of audiovisual and multimedia productions, it is necessary to submit the request together with the declaration of submission to copyright of the University of Florence, useful for making the video usable on the various dissemination channels.The Lab deals with:Scientific documentaries;Promotional videos of the activities of the governing bodies, as well as of the University's events;University YouTube channel;Online video library that can be consulted by users directly on the Unifi website;Web transmission of live events;Design and creation of podcasts for educational or scientific in-depth purposes;Training activities - aimed at students, doctoral students and researchers - in the field of science. Consult the Video Library catalogue University YouTube channel; Modulo di richiesta | request form Modulo coypright | Copyright form