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National Operational Program (PON)

The National Operational Programme - Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) is a seven-year intervention plan financed by the European Structural Funds aimed at creating a high-quality education and training system.

As part of the planning of activities aimed at achieving the agreed objectives, the Ministry has allocated new ESF REACT-EU resources for the signing of research contracts and the definition of doctoral courses on green and innovation issues.

The total allocation amounts to 249 million euros, of which over 94 million reserved for research contracts on innovation issues and 155 million on green issues.

Ministerial Decree no. 1062/2021 finances the contractualization of researchers with a fixed-term employment relationship of type "a" pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, of Law no. 240 of 30 December 2010, with a full-time or fixed-term commitment, for the performance of research activities on:

  • Innovation issues (Action IV.4)
    The objective of the measure is to finance research contracts on issues of innovation, enabling technologies and the broader digital theme, in order to promote and support interventions to enhance the human capital of the world of research and innovation. Through the activation of these research contracts, in line with the areas, areas and trajectories defined in the SNSI and the PNR, the aim is to encourage the dissemination of an open approach to innovation and greater exchange between the world of research and the world of production.
    Consult the poster (pdf)
  • Green (Action IV.6)
    The aim of the measure is to finance research contracts with particular reference to the issues of green transition, ecosystem conservation, biodiversity and the reduction of the impacts of climate change. The research activity must also be consistent with the lines defined in the SNSI and in the PNR.
    Consult the poster (pdf)

Go to the MUR for more information.

Research period in a company or abroad

The temporary contracts of PON researchers provide for the performance of research activities in a company, for a period of between 6 and 12 months, to be carried out even in fractions. The terms and methods of carrying out research activities in companies are governed by a specific agreement.

The prevision of research periods abroad, again for a duration of between 6 and 12 months, is optional. These periods can also be carried out at different times.


The reporting of the activities is carried out by the University using the Research and Innovation Information System (SIRI) platform and must be transmitted to the MUR within 10 days following the deadlines indicated below:

Year 2022

  • 1° reporting: 30 April 2022
  • 2° reporting: 31 July 2022
  • 3° reporting: 31 October 2022

Anno 2023

  • 4° reporting: 30 April 2023
  • 5° reporting: 31 July 2023
  • 6° reporting: 31 October 2023

Anno 2024

  • 7° reporting: 29 February 2024
  • 8° reporting at the end of the project

Each researcher draws up a report on the SIRI platform indicating the time commitment (divided into months in the company, on site and abroad, if applicable, including an indication of any periods carried out in remote working mode) and a summary of the main activities carried out. It is the responsibility of the scientific manager of the project to verify and validate what the researcher has indicated. The reporting thus validated constitutes the basis for the calculation of eligible expenses for the MUR.

In the same way, on forms prepared by the MUR, the University must submit, within 30 days of the end of each year, a technical-scientific report on the activities carried out regarding the research activity.

The annuity is calculated from the date of activation of the co-funded research contract. An intermediate report must be submitted on 31 December 2023 and a final report is expected within 30 days of the expiry of the contract.

Ministerial Decree no. 1061/2021 allocates resources for doctoral courses, including those of national interest, accredited pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 for cycle 37. The beneficiaries allocate the available resources, exclusively, to:

  • awarding of additional doctoral scholarships on innovation topics (Action IV.4) 
    In favor of PhD students selected on the basis of specific notices published by the individual subjects in implementation of Ministerial Decree no. 1061/2021 as part of the PhD Courses and National Doctoral Programs accredited pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 XXXVII cycle - academic year 2021/2022. The objective of the measure is to finance additional doctoral scholarships on innovation issues, i.e. doctoral courses focused on the themes of innovation, enabling technologies and the broader theme of digital, such as interventions to enhance the human capital of the world of research and innovation.
    Consult the poster (pdf)
  • assignment of additional doctoral scholarships on Green topics (Action IV.5) 
    In favor of PhD students selected on the basis of specific notices published by the individual subjects in implementation of Ministerial Decree no. 1061/2021 as part of the PhD Courses and National Doctoral Programs accredited pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 XXXVII cycle - academic year 2021/2022. The aim of the measure is to finance additional doctoral scholarships on topics oriented towards ecosystem conservation, biodiversity, as well as the reduction of the impacts of climate change and the promotion of sustainable development.
    Consult the poster (pdf)

Go to the MUR website for more information.

The University of Florence has obtained funding for 104 doctoral scholarships: 95 on green topics and 9 on innovation issues for a total budget of about 6 million euros (over 5 million euros and more than half a million euros respectively). The financial coverage of doctoral scholarships is ensured by these resources until 31 December 2023, while the subsequent period remains at the expense of the University from its own budget.

Research period in a company or abroad

The PhD scholarships include:

  • periods of study and research in the company from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 12 months;
  • periods of study and research abroad from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 12 months (optional)


The reporting of the activities is carried out by the scholarship beneficiary within 10 (ten) calendar days following the following annual deadlines:

Year 2022

  • 1° reporting: 30 April 2022
  • 2° reporting: 30 June 2022
  • 3° reporting: 31 October 2022

Year 2023

  • 4° reporting: 30 April 2023
  • 5° reporting: 30 June 2023
  • 6° reporting: 31 October 2023

Year 2024

  • 7° reporting: 29 February 2024
  • 8° reporting at the end of the project

Specifically, reporting takes place through the MUR Doctorates platform and using the forms therein, each doctoral student produces a report indicating the time commitment (divided into months in the company, on site, abroad, if applicable) and a summary of the main activities carried out. The Coordinator of the PhD course, through the same platform, verifies and validates what is indicated by the PhD student.

Specifically, reporting takes place through the MUR Doctorates platform and using the forms therein, each doctoral student produces a report indicating the time commitment (divided into months in the company, on site, abroad, if applicable) and a summary of the main activities carried out. The Coordinator of the PhD course, through the same platform, verifies and validates what is indicated by the PhD student.

The Coordinator of the PhD course also sends the following documentation annually, again electronically through the platform dedicated to the notice, with the exception of the last year:

  • annual report of the doctoral student on the activity carried out, drawn up according to the forms prepared by the MUR;
  • minutes of the Academic Board containing the judgment on the annual activity carried out by the doctoral student and any admission to the following year;

Finally, at the end of the course and within 30 days of the discussion of the doctoral thesis, the Coordinator sends, exclusively electronically on the platform dedicated to the notice:

  • annual report of the doctoral student on the activity carried out, drawn up according to the forms prepared by the MUR;
  • where applicable, minutes of the Academic Board containing the judgment on the overall activity carried out by the doctorate during the three years of the doctorate and possible admission to the final exam;
  • copy of the final doctoral thesis integrated with the forms prepared by the MUR;
  • minutes of the Final Examination Committee.

The annual fee is calculated from the date of activation of the co-funded PhD scholarships, i.e. from 1 January 2022.