With the University Regulations for the prevention and combating of discrimination and harassment in the workplace and study (Regolamento di Ateneo per la prevenzione ed il contrasto delle discriminazioni e delle molestie nei luoghi di lavoro e di studio), the University has established the figure of the Confidential Counsellor(s) who, in full autonomy and impartiality, is reserved the task of ensuring that anyone who requests it is listened to; provide advice and assistance to anyone who considers themselves a victim of "harassing" behavior, guaranteeing their anonymity; ascertain the existence of the conduct that is the subject of the report or complaint.The Confidential Counselor of the University of Florence - appointed by Rector's Decree 420 of 21 March 2024 - is Avv. Marina Capponi. Consult the regulations in the Statute and regulations section For further information in Unifi Include