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Simultaneous enrolment in two higher education programmes

Simultaneous enrolment in two programmes

You have the option to enroll at the same time:

  • two first cycle or single cycle degree programmes not belonging to the same degree class and differing in at least 2/3 of the training activities;
  • to two different masters courses;
  • a first cycle or second cycle or a single-cycle degree programmes and a master course, PhD programme or specialisation course, with the exception of medical specialisation courses;
  • a PhD or master's degree course and a medical specialization course. In the case of simultaneous enrolment in a PhD course and a medical specialisation course consult the PhD Regulations;
  • to a PhD or master course and a non-medical specialization course;
  • two courses with local restricted access: in this case you must be in a useful position in the rankings of both courses.

Simultaneous enrolment in a course belonging to the system in force prior to Ministerial Decree 509 of 1999 and in one of the courses listed in the previous paragraph is not permitted.

Additional requirements and conditions

  • If you want to apply for simultaneous enrolment in a second programme, you must be regularly enrolled for the current academic year in the first programme.
  • For enrolment in two different study programmes, you must have the academic qualifications and the access requisites required by national legislation, as well as the regulations of the University and individual courses for both programs.
  • If one of the two programmes requires compulsory attendance, you can enrol in a second programme with no attendance requirement (except for programmes for which compulsory attendance is only for laboratory and internship activities).
  • Your enrolment in the second course is to be considered conditional because it is subject to verification of all compatibility requirements.
  • In the case of nationally-based restricted access programmes, the reservation on the second enrolment can not be lifted until the publication of the Implementing Decree provided for in Article 4 c.2 of Law 33/2022.

Financial aid

In the case of simultaneous enrolment in two study programmes, you can identify only one of the two programmes as the reference to access the benefits provided by the current legislation on financial aid throughout the period you are simultaneously studying at both programmes.

If you are already enroled in a study programme in the second or subsequent year and have already applied for financial aid associated with that programme, you must compulsorily indicate that as the reference enrolment.

If, on the other hand, you have never claimed financial aid on your first course of enrollment, you may choose which of the two courses you wish to claim against.

Students who activate a second enrolment in a programme at the University of Florence are entitled to a 50% reduction in the all-inclusive contribution.

In the case of simultaneous enrolment in two study programmes at the University of Florence, there is a 50% reduction in the all-inclusive fee for the second programme (a study programme is defined as a first cycle, second cycle and single cycle degree programme).

How to enrol in two programmes at the same time

You can request by e-mail from the Students Admin Office (Segreterie studenti) of the second course for which you intend to enrol simultaneous enrollment application form. The Office, having assessed the casp10837.html#admine, will provide you with the form.

After submitting the request to the Students Admin Office, the processing time may be up to 30 days, so please take this into account in order to meet the enrolment deadlines (see the deadlines calendar).

Enrolment in professional master courses for those already enroled in another higher education course

If you are already enrolled in a higher education course and want to enroll in a university master course, you must follow the procedures for admission to the course, and declare whether you are already enrolled in another university or AFAM course.

If the course in which you are already enrolled is a PhD or Medical or Non-Medical Specialization School or a compulsory attendance course (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, single-cycle master’s degree, an AFAM or other type of course) or other University master course, you will have to acquire in advance the favorable opinion of the Board of the course in which you are enrolled. Enrollment in the professional master course is subject to the approval of both courses (the one you are enrolled in and the one you want to enroll in).

Reference laws

The Law 33 of April 12, 2022, allows simultaneous enrollment in two higher education courses even at more than one university and institutions of higher artistic, musical, and choreographic education (AFAM), both Italian and foreign.

The DM 930 of July 29, 2022, and the DM 933 of August 2, 2022, regulate the procedures for simultaneous dual enrollment regarding university and AFAM courses, respectively.

The Implementing Decree on nationally-scheduled courses, provided for in Article 4 c.2 of Law 33/2022, is not yet available.