Unifi students - outgoing students Students and recent graduates can carry out periods of study and/or internship at other universities or organizations in one of the partner countries.Erasmus+ international mobility is part of Action KA131 under the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, which includes four main priorities:inclusion and diversitydigital transformation through the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) networkEnvironment and the fight against climate changeparticipation in democratic lifeEach candidate can carry out a mobility abroad (for study or traineeship) from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 months at a Higher Education Institute according to the procedures indicated in the annual call published by the University to which they belong, in which each candidate is required to participate. Furthermore, according to the provisions of the Erasmus 2021-2027 Programme, candidates will be able to opt, if not interested in long-term mobility, for a short-mobility with a minimum mandatory duration of 5 days up to a maximum of 30 days. Action KA131 supports the mobility of higher education students in any field and cycle of study (first, second and third cycle), and the same student can take part in mobility periods for a maximum total of 12 months of physical mobility per cycle of study, regardless of the number and type of mobility activities. In addition, any period of study or traineeship abroad of any duration, including doctoral mobility, can be carried out in the form of blended mobility, which involves the combination of physical mobility activities with a virtual component that facilitates collaborative learning exchanges and online teamwork. Carta dello Studente Erasmus+ Mobility for study Erasmus+ mobility for study:provides for the provision of a specific Community contributionit allows you to follow courses, take exams, curricular internship activities to supplement a period of study, carry out thesis research, and to use the facilities available and specific services at the host institution without additional enrolment feesguarantees the recognition of the period of study abroad through the transfer of credits, carried out with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), on the basis of what has been agreed in advance with the course of study to which the student belongs and with the host Higher Education institution through the Learning Agreement (study plan for the mobility period). Academic year 2024/2025 - call on the Italian webpage Bando anno accademico 2025/2026 Mobilità per studioScadenza per la presentazione della domanda giovedì 13 febbraio 2025, ore 13 Domanda online (apertura lunedì 13 gennaio 2025, ore 13) Graduatoria Bando Call for mobility - English version Certificati linguistici accettati - allegato 1 Accepted Language Certificates - annex 1 Casi di esonero da certificazione lingua - allegato 2 - versione italiana Cases of exemption from language certification - annex 2 - English version Confirmation of degree-related research mobility Declaration of degree-related research mobility Mobilità Erasmus step by step - versione italiana Erasmus mobility step by step - English version Codici ISCED - allegato 3 FAQ - versione italiana FAQ - English version Mobility for traineeships It is possible to carry out a mobility for traineeship abroad, from 2 to 12 months, at a company or other organization, in one of the countries participating in the Program, according to the procedures indicated in the University call. In the case of student mobility, the host organisation can be any public or private organisation from a Programme Country or a Partner Country active in the labour market or in the field of education, training, youth, research and innovation.For example, your organization can be:a public or private enterprise, whether small, medium or large (including social enterprises)a public body at local, regional or national levelan embassy or consular office of the sending country participating in the programmea social partner or other representative of the world of work, including chambers of commerce, orders of craftsmen or professionals and trade unionsa research institutea foundationa school, institution or educational centre (at any level, from pre-primary to upper secondary education, including vocational and adult education)a non-profit organization, association, or NGOa body for career guidance, career counselling and information servicesThe host location can be either one of the locations with which the candidate's School has entered into a generic letter of intent (location with which the School has an agreement, so-called generic location) or a location identified by the candidate (so-called nominative location), which must be different from the locations with which the School has entered into a generic letter of intent. In the latter case, the foreign office must produce, within the deadlines set out in the call for mobility, a letter of intent (ad personam) for the participant.Recent graduates can also carry out a traineeship mobility under action KA131 but under the following conditions:those interested in carrying out a postgraduate mobility must submit their application while they are still students enrolled at the University of Florencetheir departure must take place after graduationThe mobility must be completed within 12 months of obtaining the degreethe duration must take into account any previous mobilities in the calculation of the maximum 12 months of physical mobility per study cycle Read more on the Italian webpage Bando anno accademico 2025/2026 Mobilità per tirocinioScadenza per la presentazione della domanda martedì 29 aprile 2025, ore 13 Domanda online (apertura giovedì 20 marzo 2025 ,ore 13) Lettera di intenti nominativa Bando Certificati linguistici accettati - allegato 1 Casi di esonero da certificazione lingua - allegato 2 Codici ISCED - allegato 3 Step by Step Declaration of degree-related research mobility Declaration of degree-related research mobility Confirmation of degree-related research mobility Confirmation of degree-related research mobility FAQ Learning agreement for traineeship Learning agreement for traineeship Information for outgoing Erasmus+ students (for study or traineeship) Amounts of Erasmus+ KA131 mobility grants a.y. 2023/2024 (pdf)Online Language Support a.y. 2022/2023 (pdf) - update (pdf)Erasmus mobility period calculator (xls) Erasmus+ Inclusion Support: additional EU funds for Participants with fewer opportunities As set out in the EU Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 2021 /817 establishing the ERASMUS+ programme (Chapter V, ‘Inclusion’), in order to facilitate access to mobility for students and staff with fewer opportunities as much as possible, in line with the principles enshrined in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and in accordance with the National Provisions for the Higher Education sector, the Erasmus+ National Agency Indire provides funding dedicated to supporting the participation in Erasmus mobility of students/graduates and staff with physical, mental or health needs. This funding is in addition to the monthly EU contribution and to any monthly supplement agreed to these Participants: the additional contribution is foreseen to cover further costs for aspects such as support, accommodation and accessibility to premises, as well as pedagogical and technical support services.Requests for funds to cover additional costs directly related to the participation in mobility of people with special needs may be submitted by Higher Education Institutions that have selected within their Erasmus+ KA131 mobility Calls students/teachers/staff with needs related to physical, mental or health conditions for mobility in Programme or Partner Countries of long or short duration or for preparatory visits to the Host partner institution. This funds are are aimed to facilitate participation in the mobility, carried out by the individual participant with needs relating to physical, mental or health conditions and any accompanying persons, with the aim of providing personalised support, assessing the individual needs of the participant together with the Partner institution, where appropriate, and assessing the adoption of any measures by the organisations involved.The request for this financial support must be duly justified in the Institute's application. The contribution is based exclusively on actual costs actually incurred and directly related to Participants with fewer opportunities and their accompanying persons, which cannot be covered through the additional contribution of the top-up for individual support for participants with fewer opportunities. More information on how to apply for the additional contribution for the 2024/2025 academic year