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International Credit Mobility - KA 171

General Information

The main objective of the Erasmus+ programme is to promote the internationalisation of higher education institutions through international project initiatives, offering individual mobility opportunities for students and staff, involving both programme countries and partner countries.

Specifically, Key Action 1Individual Mobility for Learning Purposes – enables students and recent graduates to enhance their education and career prospects in a foreign country, while offering faculty and administrative staff the opportunity to improve or strengthen teaching and learning methods, as well as to diversify and update their skills.

As part of Key Action 1, a specific initiative called International Credit Mobility (ICM - KA107) has been in place since 2015; it offers students, faculty, and administrative staff the opportunity to engage in international mobility beyond European borders. This initiative opens participation to so-called partner countries, non-associated third countries, thereby enhancing the attractiveness of European universities while simultaneously expanding the range of potential destinations.

Participation in KA171 is reserved for universities, which can submit their applications under the annual call published by the European Commission. Mobility for students (for study and internships) and staff (for teaching and training) to and from partner countries is carried out within the framework of funded projects, following selection through specific calls.

This initiative has been renewed in the new 2021/2027 programming period under the name International mobility involving third countries not associated to the programme (KA171).

Its goal is to promote the internationalisation of higher education, strengthen the attractiveness of European universities, and at the same time, broaden the range of available destinations by opening up to countries outside Europe.

Possible Activities

KA171 includes the following types of activities:

  • Study (Student mobility for study):
    Student mobility abroad for study activities (courses and exams) and thesis research, aimed at students of single-cycle degree programmes, first cycle (bachelor’s or equivalent), or second cycle (master’s or equivalent), as well as third-cycle students (PhD and Specialisation students).
    Mobility duration: minimum 2 months – maximum 12 months (excluding travel).
  • Internship (Student mobility for traineeships):
    Student mobility for internship activities abroad at a company or other relevant destination, aimed at students of single-cycle degree programmes, first cycle (bachelor’s or equivalent), or second cycle (master’s or equivalent), as well as third-cycle students (PhD and Specialisation students).
    Mobility duration: minimum 2 months – maximum 12 months (excluding travel).
  • Teaching (Staff Mobility for Teaching):
    Mobility for teaching activities for faculty members at a foreign higher education institution.
    Mobility duration: minimum 5 days – maximum 2 months (excluding travel) - minimum 8 teaching hours per week (or a proportionate number for periods shorter than a week).
  • Training (Staff Mobility for Training):
    Mobility for professional development activities aimed at academic and administrative staff of higher education institutions (HEIs). This may include training events abroad (excluding conferences) and periods of job shadowing/observation/training at a partner university.
    Mobility duration: minimum 5 days – maximum 2 months (excluding travel).

A combined mobility for study and traineeship can be arranged for students, with a minimum duration of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. Additionally, a short-term mobility (minimum 5 days - maximum 30 days) can be arranged for PhD students.

For teaching staff, a combined teaching/training mobility can be provided. In this case, the minimum number of teaching hours is reduced by 50%.

The mobility of students and staff can take place in any disciplinary area.

For each study cycle (first, single, second cycles, PhD, Specialisation), each student can benefit from a maximum of 12 months of Erasmus+ international mobility for study/traineeship abroad, or 24 months in the case of single cycle degree programmes.

Eligible participants

Students enrolled in a single-cycle degree programme, first cycle (bachelor’s degree or equivalent), or second cycle (master’s degree or equivalent), as well as third-cycle students (PhD and Specialisation students), may undertake a study mobility at a higher education institution in a partner country starting from their first year of studies, provided that the partner country is different from the country of their home institution and the country of residence during their studies.

Additionally, students enrolled at a higher education institution may carry out an internship at an organisation or entity in a partner country starting from their first year of studies

For recent graduates, the selection by the home higher education institution must take place during the final year of study, and the internship abroad must be completed within one year of graduation. The internship mobility for recent graduates counts towards the 12 months of mobility allowed during their last cycle of study.

For both types of mobility (study and internship), students must sign the individual mobility agreement and the Learning Agreement before departure.

Eligible for a teaching mobility are:

  • professor and research staff employed at a higher education institution based in a programme country or partner country;
  • professionals from companies (public or private organisations active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research, and innovation) invited to teach at a higher education institution.

The mobility period may also include training activities for skills development or a combined teaching/training activity.

There is no minimum teaching hours requirement for professionals coming from foreign companies.

Before departure, faculty members must sign the individual mobility agreement and the Mobility Agreement.

Eligible for a mobility aimed at skills development (staff training) are those employed at a higher education institution based in a programme country or partner country.

The host organisation must be:

  • a higher education institution in a partner country recognized by the relevant authorities.
  • any public or private organisation based in a partner country that is active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research, and innovation.

Before departure, the staff must sign the individual mobility agreement and the Mobility Agreement.

How to participate

Individual participants cannot directly apply for a mobility grant; instead, universities/higher education institutions may apply by submitting their application within the framework of the call published annually by the European Commission.

The University of Florence submits its application for KA171 by the deadline specified in the call, based on the expressions of interest received from its Departments, which are subsequently reviewed by a designated University Commission.

The application, which is a single submission for the entire university, consists of one or more country-specific projects. It is evaluated by the Erasmus+ National Agency INDIRE according to criteria established by the European Commission, which are common to all National Agencies in the participating countries.

The entire application or one or more country-specific projects may be funded, possibly with a reduction of the requested budget during the submission phase.

The mobility of outgoing students and staff is carried out, within the framework of the funded projects, based on specific calls issued by the Departments.

Funded projects

Since 2017, the University of Florence has successfully participated in the Action. The funded projects have enabled international collaboration with various institutions from non-EU countries, located in different geographical areas, offering mobility opportunities for students, faculty, and administrative staff, both incoming and outgoing.

The 2022, 2023 and 2024 projects are currently underway.

The project has a total budget of € 331,427 for a duration of 36 months (from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2027) and involves 6 partner countries.

Consult the country-projects

  • Albania: Università Cattolica Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio con Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica (DMSC), website DMSC
  • Madagascar: Università di Antsiranana con Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica (DMSC) website DMSC
  • Messico: Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México (IBERO) con Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa (DISEI), website DISEI
  • Montenegro: Università di Donja Gorica con Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali (DAGRI), website DAGRI
  • Perù: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia con Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica (DMSC), website DMSC
  • Senegal: Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar con Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute (DSS), website DSS
  • Senegal: Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar con Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (DSPS), website DSPS
  • Uganda: Gulu University con Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica (DMSC), website DMSC

The project has a total budget of € 848,383 for a duration of 36 months (from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2026) and involves 9 partner countries.

Consult the country-projects



The project has a total budget of € 286,095 for a duration of 36 months (from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2025) and involves 4 partner countries.

Consult the country-projects


Mobility calls

Those interested in outgoing mobility should consult the calls published for the various country-projects, which specify the recipients, the number of places, the eligible subject areas, the requirements and the methods of participation.

  • Contatti

    Unità di Processo Internazionalizzazione

    Internazionalizzazione e Programmi europei
    Silvia Villa - Claudia Pierattini