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Unifi's survey on the well-being of students

The University's commitment to fostering inclusion and addressing discrimination

In occasione della Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne, l’Università di Firenze ha presentato oggi in Aula Magna i risultati dell’indagine sul grado di benessere di studentesse e studenti all’interno degli ambienti universitari, realizzata nel giugno e luglio scorsi.

In honour of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the University of Florence today unveiled in the Aula Magna the findings of a survey conducted in June and July, examining the well-being of students within university settings.

The meeting was initiated by Rector Alessandra Petrucci. "This day - Rector Petrucci stated - marks a significant milestone in our University's commitment to transparency and responsibility towards tackling issues like discrimination and gender violence, which have surfaced with alarming urgency in our society and country in recent years. This represents an opportunity, continued Alessandra Petrucci, to reaffirm our strengthened commitment through enhanced initiatives and tools, and to better introduce it to our community and the city".

L'indagine – presentata dalla delegata all’inclusione e diversità Maria Paola Monaco - è stata rivolta a studentesse e studenti dei corsi di laurea, master, scuole di specializzazione, corsi di perfezionamento, di aggiornamento e corsi singoli. Al questionario hanno risposto 804 iscritti, per il 71% donne e per il 53% nella classe di età 22-25 anni. Le domande riguardavano il gradimento dell’ambiente di studio, la percezione di sicurezza negli spazi universitari, le azioni a favore dell’inclusione e per il contrasto alle discriminazioni.

The survey, delivered by Maria Paola Monaco, the delegate for inclusion and diversity, was directed at students enroled in first, second and specialization degree programmes master's, specialization programs, advanced training, vocational training and continuing education courses, and individual study courses. A total of 804 participants responded to the questionnaire, with 71% being women and 53% falling within the 22-25 age range. The survey explored satisfaction with the educational setting, perceptions of safety in university areas, inclusion-promoting actions, and efforts to combat discrimination.

The findings reveal a significantly positive impression of the well-being within study environments: more than half of those surveyed describe a peaceful and supportive setting that ensures freedom of expression with educators; however, some challenges related to the sustainability of study paces are noted.

According to the survey findings, 77% of students perceive university environments as safe.

A small group encountered harassment based on psychological and gender-related factors, often coupled with additional discrimination types like age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and political views. Nevertheless, numerous incidents were not reported, largely due to fears of retaliation, a lack of trust in the authorities, or insufficient awareness of reporting procedures. Approximately 17% of survey respondents indicated they were informed about the University's initiatives to address discrimination and violence. 

"The survey, Rector Petrucci remarked, highlighted the necessity of further promoting the University's efforts to combat discrimination and harassment among our students, reflecting a commitment that neither begins with this initiative nor concludes with it". 

In 2023, the University of Florence endorsed a regulation aimed at preventing and addressing discrimination and harassment both in the workplace and within educational settings. In March of this year, the University's Confidential Counselor was appointed to aid individuals who feel they are victims of harassment by ensuring their anonymity, validating the reports, and determining whether to initiate formal or informal procedures. 

In terms of training, Unifi this year launched an online course, "Gender Violence and Social Emergency", delving into the topic through multiple viewpoints. The course, which offered training credits, welcomed the participation of 160 students from the University.

Recently revitalised, the University's Centre for Psychological Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Clinical Psychology Services (CeCoPs) actively provides counselling and promotional initiatives to address personal and relational challenges.

These initiatives are part of a larger effort by the University of Florence to foster inclusion and fight discrimination. Unifi include service and the Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and workplace well-being (CUG) are key players in this mission.

All’incontro sono intervenuti il prorettore vicario Unifi Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, il presidente del CUG Chiara Adembri, il presidente del Collegio dei direttori di dipartimento Simone Orlandini, con il coordinamento di Elisabetta Cerbai, membro del Consiglio di amministrazione dell’Ateneo.

The meeting was attended by Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, the Unifi vicar pro-rector; Chiara Adembri, the president of the CUG; and Simone Orlandini, the president of the Board of Department Directors, all coordinated by Elisabetta Cerbai, a member of the University's Board of Administrators.

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