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Cultural and educational initiatives

un'iniziativa di divulgazione aperta al pubblico

The University of Florence and its structures promote non-academic activities, aimed at a non-academic public, on a non-profit basis, with educational, cultural and social development value.

These initiatives are meetings, exhibitions, workshops for children, participatory democracy initiatives, concerts, shows, film festivals, contests, publications, websites and social channels, school involvement activities.

Risorse utili


With the aim of enhancing actions for the social, cultural and economic development of the territory, in collaboration with the community, the University issues the UNIFI EXTRA call for funding Public Engagement projects every year. The projects, developed with the contribution of several departments, centers and structures, foresee a high impact on the recipients.



The European Night of Researchers

An initiative promoted by the European Commission to spread scientific culture and knowledge of the research professions. For this event, the University is part of the regional consortium BRIGHT-NIGHT supported and coordinated by the Tuscany Region – Giovanisì. Characteristic of the initiative is the widespread involvement of researchers, protagonists of scientific conversations, workshops, demonstrations, shows on a wide range of topics. 


Summer event of scientific dissemination dedicated to children and families with activities for all ages: interactive laboratories, demonstrations, games, experiments, workshops, shows, guided tours of departments and research centers, conferences and more. The event takes place between Florence and the Sesto Fiorentino Campus, to discover the places of university research, integrating initiatives in collaboration with the University Museum System

ScienzEstate is created by OpenLab, the University's scientific dissemination service and takes place in June and September.

The University's Performing Arts Activities

The Theatre Company, the University Choir and the University Orchestra offer students, teachers and staff the opportunity to participate and have direct experience of live performances, promote events open to the public throughout the year and participate in official ceremonies.