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Scholarships and Grants

Concorso "Buona Idea!" 2025

Il Concorso è rivolto a tutte le studentesse e gli studenti della Regione Toscana, dalla primaria all'Università. Possono partecipare singoli, gruppi o classi con l'invio di un elaborato, sotto forma di video, fumetto, testo, manufatto o esperimento scientifico.  Scadenza 12 maggio 2025

Incentives and benefits for students

Part-time work in libraries, museums and other service centres


Grants for the incentive of tutoring activities and for teaching-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities

Refunds of fees and financial benefits in order to encourage enrolment in courses of study related to disciplinary areas of particular national and EU interest 

University Corridors for Refugees Project - UNICORE carried out by UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)


Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and degree awards promoted by the University

Research grants announced by Unifi structures

Scholarships provided by the regional agency for the right to university education (DSU)

Awards, scholarships & competitions promoted by external bodies