What you have to pay To enrol in First Cycle, Single Cycle, Second Cycle courses, Master's degree courses, Single-Cycle, Specialisation Schools, students must pay:stamp duty of 16 euros;the regional tax for the right to university education of 140 euros;the annual all-inclusive contribution.To enrol in first and second master courses, advanced training courses, continuing education and vocational training courses, PhD, please refer to the respective calls or decrees.Students enroled in a degree programme are not entitled to the refund of fees and contributions paid, except in certain cases specified (read Partial or total exemptions from the payment of fees and contributions). Fees Simulator Partial or total exemptions from the payment of fees and contributions Annual all inclusive contribution Consult the relevant webpage in Italian. Fees for part-time students Consult the relevant webpage in Italian. How and when fees are paid Consult the relevant webpage in Italian. Fees Simulator Student Career Management application PagoPA Payment System Calendar of key deadlines Student Administration Offices The first an second instalment of tuition fees Payments are due in two instalmentsthe first one payable at the time of enrolmentand the second one due in the late Spring of the following calendar year. Please refer to each year's Student Regulations (Manifesto degli Studi) to find out the exact deadlines.There are late fees and interest rate charges for late payments.Consult the relevant webpage in Italian. Calendar of key deadlines Fee table extract from Study Regulations (in Italian) Tabelle tasse Universitarie (estratto Manifesto degli Studi 2024/2025)