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Collaborative research

Consultancy and research commissioned by public and private entities

Ricerca per l'innovazione e lo sviluppo


The University makes its knowledge and instrumentation, as well as the professionalism of its researchers, available to public and private entities in the areas of biomedical, science, technology, social sciences, humanities and education, so that research, training and laboratory services can be carried out at a fee.

Consultancy and research are paid services for which it is possible to take advantage of tax benefits.

How to commission research/consultancy

The University promotes, with its Departments, any collaboration aimed at the development of the economic fabric through the research and development of knowledge and innovation.

How to commission a laboratory service

The company can directly access the laboratory services that the University offers through a specific tariff, by contacting the relevant competent structures.

  • Contatti

    KTO - Rapporti con le imprese, Tutela e Valorizzazione IP 
