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Research and innovation

Foto di una ricercatrice in un laboratorio

Research and innovation

Research, progress, dissemination.


L'impegno e i progetti dell'Ateneo nell'ambito delle azioni del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR).




THE World University Rankings 2025 by Subject
The University in the top 250 in two areas
immagine grafica della Seed Funding Call
The eighth edition of the Seed Funding Call is now open
Banco di prova per elettrolizzatore
Opened in Calenzano: prepared to perform scientific analyses and technical tests
The University of Florence obtains excellent results in the call promoted by the Ministry of University and Research
I finalisti Unifi all'IP Award 2023
Two inventions take first place in the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy competition
ricerca unifi
“T-Power,” focused on Life Sciences, led by the University of Florence
ferite nello Spazio
The findings of an international experiment coordinated by the University
Analisi della stratigrafia vulcanica della Rift Valley ad Asela (Etiopia)
A study conducted by the University and the CNR Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources in Florence