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The University's Performing Arts Activities

L'Orchestra dell'Ateneo

The University's Performing Arts Activities are part of the enhancement of the knowledge of Italian universities. Through these Activities, the University of Florence promotes the dissemination and enhancement of the performing arts among all its components, in order to foster individual and collective growth through stage practice. Students, teaching and technical-administrative staff can have direct experience of the knowledge of the performing arts, particularly in vocal music, instrumental music and theater.

Theater Company, Choir and Orchestra constitute a heritage of skills and ideas belonging to the entire academic community.

Participation is open to all and is free of charge.

Each sector has its own specific activity and promotes a series of events during the Academic Year, as well as regularly participating in official ceremonies and the main initiatives promoted by the University.

At the University of Florence the following are active:

The schedules and locations of the rehearsals of the Choir, Orchestra and Theater Company are reported on the individual pages.

References and Contacts

Delegate of the Rector: Teresa Megale

Events and Performance Unit: Francesca Dell'Omodarme, Silvia Sacchetti, Veronica Baudo

To participate or for further information: eventi(AT), spettacolo(AT)

  • Contacts

    To take part, or for information, write to: spettacolo(AT)

    Information on choir, orchestra and theatre rehearsal times and locations is on individual pages.