The University promotes and manages the activation and offer of curricular internships for its students and non-curricular internships for recent graduates of the University.The internship is carried out at accredited host establishments subject to an agreement with the University (the promoter). For each internship, there is a training project that sets out the learning objectives, the contact details of the trainee, the educational tutor and the company tutor, and that defines the type, duration and methods of the internship. Curricular internships For students, postgraduates or master’s students at the University of Florence.The curriculum has a training purpose, as a period of school/work alternation included in the study plan or within a university education pathway, during which the trainee retains the status of student, doctoral student, postgraduate student or master’s student.The internship may also not be for the purpose of acquiring university credits (ECTS), provided that it is carried out as part of a course of study. The duration of the internship is proportionate to the number of ECTS provided for in the study plan and in any case may not exceed 12 months. Non-curricular internship This is aimed at those who have obtained a university degree from the University of Florence no more than 24 months ago.The University may only activate non-curricular internship at locations operating in the Region of Tuscany (Resolution of the Academic Senate, 25 June 2019). For all those host organisations with different locations, it is necessary to contact the Job Centres of the region where the internship takes place.The programme is aimed at facilitating vocational and occupational choices of young people in the transition phase from education to work through training in a productive environment and direct knowledge of the labour market. It may last between 2 and 12 months, including extensions.The host is required to pay the trainee a compulsory contribution of no less than €500 gross per month.For activation of a non-curricular internship, the host must have identified the candidate. It will be necessary to identify competences, skills and objectives according to the profile provided in the Atlas of Labour by the Regional Directory of Professions.For the necessary administrative procedures write to:Offerta formativa e qualità dei corsi di studio – Tirocini [email protected]. Atlante del Lavoro Repertorio regionale delle professioni Internships abroad The University of Florence promotes curricular and non-curricular internships abroad in line with its statutory internationalisation objectives and with the educational objectives of its study programmes.An internship is subject to the territoriality principle, i.e. its activation and implementation are governed by the national legislation of the country in which it takes place.For activation, please contact the Internship Service of the trainee’s school of affiliation. School Internship Services Course on health and safety and indications in the event of an accident General basic training course on safety in the workplace, compulsory for internships, in e-learning mode, duration 4 hours.The host entity and the trainee undertake, in the event of an accident during the internship, to promptly report the event to the competent offices of the University at the following email address segnalazione.infortuni(AT), including the university tutor in a copy of the knowledge, in order to make the necessary reports within the time limits provided for by current legislation. Statute and regulation Insurance coverage Corso sulla sicurezza - istruzioni per l'iscrizione Internship offers and calls Consult st@ge online and Almalaurea platforms and Regione Toscana and GiovaniSì websites.For Call for applications managed by the University or other organization consult the relevant webpage in Italian. Piattaforma st@ge online Almalaurea Platform Regione Toscana calls for applications GiovaniSì calls for applications