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What country are you from?
The information to apply for admission and enroll differ depending on the country of origin.
The main difference between EU/EU-levelled students and non-EU ones living abroad concerns the need for pre-enrolment with entry visa procedures clearance that non-EU students must follow. Non-EU students living abroad can find more information on pre-enrollment and student visa request on the Ministry website.
Moreover, EU and EU-levelled future students are not required to sit for the Italian language test (read more about Italian language knowledge test) and should enrol at the Student Administration Office (Segreteria Studenti) of the School of choice, whereas non-EU students with student visa enrol via the International Desk.
Italian university system
You can learn more on the Italian higher education system on CIMEA website.
Are you a student on international programmes mobility?
Consult the information dedicated to students arriving at the University of Florence with international programs:
Are you a student requesting asylum or international protection?
Consult the page dedicated to supporting students in university corridors and the initiatives towards students with international protection.
Your stay in Italy
PER-Università Desk, to support students from a country outside the European Union in applying for or renewing their residence permit. The service orients students - in possession of an entry visa for study in Italy - in managing the procedure, filling in the postal kit and verifying the required documentation.
For more info consult Unifi Include.
Campuses and transportation
Get to know other students
Connect with student ambassadors of the university via Unibuddy.
FAQs - Frequent Asked Questions
See the webpage Recognition of a Foreign Academic Qualifications.
The amount of tuition fees varies according to the student's tax bracket and other merit-related criteria. Partial or full waivers of university fees are provided for some categories of students. Further information is available on the page Fees and Charges.
Benefits and grants provided by the Regional Board for the Right to University Study - DSU Tuscany.
Each School has a specific schedule and academic calendar, but as a general rule:
- First (Autumn) semester: from mid-September to mid-December
- Second (Spring) semester: from early March to early June
For information on class schedules and locations, consult the website of your School of reference.
From 14 to 3 days before the exam date, students need to register for the exam via the Online Services (SOL) platform using their credentials. On the day of the exam, the student must produce a form of ID to the examining board for identification. After the examination is over, the Examination Board records the result of the examination.