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Erasmus+ and International Mobility

Informazioni su Erasmus+

Through agreements with universities in other countries, regularly enrolled students, faculty, and staff can spend time abroad to study, work, learn about other cultures, and engage with other educational systems.


Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, established for the period 2021-2027. It is divided into various actions, aimed at promoting individual mobility, cooperation between organizations and institutions, support for policy development and cooperation. 
In particular, Action 1 "Individual mobility for learning purposes" (KA131 and KA171), thanks to interinstitutional agreements signed with universities in other European and non-European countries, offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to take courses, take exams in another higher education institution and practice an internship in a company abroad. It also allows teachers and technical-administrative staff to carry out a period of teaching or training abroad.

Erasmus+ KA131

The Action supports the following mobility activities, which can take place between Programme Countries or from a Programme Country to any Partner Country in the world:

Mobility for technical-administrative staff

  • Personale tecnico-amministrativo UniFi - outgoing (info on the Intranet portal)
  • Personale tecnico-amministrativo internazionale - incoming

Erasmus+ KA 171

The action, also called International Credit Mobility (ICM), offers the opportunity for students and teaching and administrative staff to carry out international mobility beyond European borders, thanks to the participation of the so-called Partner countries (third countries not associated to the Programme), thus strengthening the attractiveness of European universities and at the same time expanding the offer of possible destinations.

Mobilità nazionale degli studenti

Erasmus italiano, finalizzato all’erogazione di borse di studio per la partecipazione a programmi di mobilità per studio sul territorio nazionale.

Cultural Collaboration Agreements

The University of Florence has drawn up numerous cultural cooperation agreements with foreign universities involving student exchanges.

International mobility outside the EU

The University annually assigns financial contributions to its students to encourage international mobility for study in non-EU countries with which collaboration agreements are in force.

Bando di selezione per l'assegnazione di contributi economici per incentivare la mobilità internazionale nei Paesi Extra-UE a.a. 2024/2025 - Announcement Non-EU International Mobility 24_25 (ITA - ENG) - scadenza 6 marzo 2024, ore 13

  • Domanda online attiva dalle ore 13 del 7 febbraio 2024
  • Allegato 1 - Certificati linguistici accettati - Annex 1- Accepted language certificates (ITA - ENG)
  • Allegato 2 - Casi di esonero da certificazione linguistica - Annex 2 - Exemption from language certification (ITA - ENG)
  • Allegato 3 - Codici ISCED (pdf)
  • Step by Step mobilità extra UE - Step by Step non-EU mobility (ITA - ENG)
  • Declaration of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • Confirmation of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • FAQ - FAQs (ITA - ENG)
  • Learning Agreement for Study (rtf - pdf)
  • Learning Agreement for Traineeship (rtf - pdf)
  • Graduatoria
  • Idonei assegnatari di sede (pdf)
  • Transcript of Work (pdf)

Bando di selezione per l’assegnazione di contributi economici per incentivare la mobilità internazionale per studio nei Paesi extra-UE a.a. 2023/2024  (pdf) - scadenza 28 aprile 2023, ore 13

  • domanda online (attiva dal 29 marzo 2023, ore 13)
  • Allegato 1- Certificazioni linguistiche accettate (pdf)
  • Allegato 2 - Esonero dalla certificazione linguistica (pdf)
  • Allegato 3 - Codici ISCED (pdf)
  • Declaration of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • Confirmation of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • FAQ (pdf)
  • Learning agreement (rtf - pdf)
  • Graduatoria
  • Idonei assegnatari di sede (pdf)
  • Norme generali extra-UE - allegato 1 al contratto (pdf)
  • Attestazione del periodo di mobilità extra-UE (rtf - pdf)
  • Modulo detrazioni d'imposta (pdf)
  • Modulo richiesta rimborso spese di viaggio (rtf - pdf)

Bando di selezione per l’assegnazione di contributi economici per incentivare la mobilità internazionale per studio nei Paesi extra-UE a.a. 2022/2023 (pdf) - scadenza 28 aprile 2022, ore 13

  • Allegato 1- Certificazioni linguistiche accettate (pdf)
  • Allegato 2 - Esonero dalla certificazione linguistica (pdf)
  • Allegato 3 - Codici ISCED (pdf)
  • Declaration of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • Confirmation of degree - related research mobility (rtf - pdf)
  • FAQ (pdf)
  • Learning agreement (rtf - pdf)
  • Graduatoria
  • Idonei assegnatari di sede (pdf)

Risorse utili

Scholarships abroad

Initiatives, promoted and organized by other bodies and institutions, can represent an opportunity to spend a period abroad.

Who to contact

For detailed information on Erasmus programmes (destinations, procedures and support) contact the dedicated desks, available to assist you at every stage of your international journey.