Research and innovation Home Research and innovation Research, progress, dissemination. Research Innovation University and society PNRR L'impegno e i progetti dell'Ateneo nell'ambito delle azioni del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR). Misure di attuazione del PNRR Bandi a cascata PNRR Leggi anche su Unifimagazine Rita Levi Montalcini Programme, the call for applications is online Dedicated to researchers working abroad for at least three years Green hydrogen, joint laboratory with McPhy Energy Opened in Calenzano: prepared to perform scientific analyses and technical tests Six Unifi projects among the winners of the Italian Fund for Science The University of Florence obtains excellent results in the call promoted by the Ministry of University and Research Gian Maria Rossolini and Alessandro Maria Vannucchi feature prominently among the world's top-cited researchers DMSC academics featured in the 2024 Highly Cited Researchers list Unifi Patents Recognised at the IP Award Two inventions take first place in the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy competition Unifi at the Osaka Expo with Two Projects Funded by the Ministry of Universities and Research “T-Power,” focused on Life Sciences, led by the University of Florence Wounds heal more slowly in space The findings of an international experiment coordinated by the University Volcanic activity in the Rift Valley and hominid evolution A study conducted by the University and the CNR Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources in Florence Sustainability, Florence in the top 200 in the world According to the QS Sustainability and UI Green Metric rankings PrecedenteSeguente