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Quality and Evaluation

Evaluation of the Quality of Research (VQR)

qualità e valutazione

Research evaluation has become a strategic and increasingly important tool for measuring the quality of universities, proportionally affecting the distribution of resources and the allocation of staff points by the Ministry.

The evaluation is entrusted to the National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research (ANVUR), on the basis of Guidelines for the Evaluation of Research that the Ministry of Education establishes with its own decree.

On the occasion of the launch of the VQR Research Quality Assessment project, ANVUR, CRUI and CINECA launched the Italian Research IDentifier for Evaluation (I.R.ID.E) project, which also allows Italian researchers to be provided with the International Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) identification code.

ORCID responds to the need, very much felt by the research community, to uniquely link each researcher to their research products (articles, patents, citations, experiments, etc.) regardless of disciplinary sector and national borders. 

The adoption of ORCID makes it possible to avoid errors and ambiguities of attribution in various areas: in the authorship of articles published by scientific journals, in the request for funding, in the registration of patents and also in national and university evaluation exercises.

The ORCID identifier is mandatory for the accreditation of researchers participating in the VQR.

On the FLORE/IRIS catalog there is the procedure to associate your user profile with an ORCID identifier or, if you already have ORCID, to authorize IRIS to operate on the ORCID profile. 

See also

SciVal, the platform for the analysis of research results.


FLOrence REsearch - FLORE - is the institutional open access archive of the University of Florence and constitutes the University's Research Registry.

Research evaluation is a strategic and increasingly important tool for measuring the quality of universities.

The Quality Assurance process is the set of activities carried out to ensure the achievement of the objectives set by the Governance.

The Research Observatory monitors both the consistency and type of research activities and the quality of the products.

The University has a Research Ethics Committee, which is responsible for issuing opinions on research ethics and integrity.

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