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National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)

immagine generica

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) economic recovery project in response to the pandemic crisis generated by COVID-19. The Plan is developed around three strategic axes shared at European level - Digitalisation and Innovation, Ecological Transition, Social Inclusion - and along six Missions, i.e. main thematic areas on which it intends to intervene:

  • Mission 1 "Digitalisation, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture"
  • Mission 2 "Green Revolution and Ecological Transition"
  • Mission 3 "Infrastructure for Sustainable Mobility"
  • Mission 4 "Education and Research"
  • Mission 5 "Inclusion and Cohesion"
  • Mission 6 "Health"

The plan's cross-cutting priorities, also known as "Strategic Axes", are the principles that guide the investments, reforms and projects of the PNRR and aim to reduce territorial, generational and gender gaps in society. Each Mission will have to make improvements in all these segments of the country system. The implementation of the Plan will have to guarantee the same economic and social opportunities for men and women with reforms, training and investments, with a view to gender mainstreaming.

Within Mission 4 "Education and Research", component 2 "From Research to Business" intends to:

  • Strengthening research and encouraging the dissemination of innovative models for basic and applied research conducted in synergy between universities and businesses
  • Supporting processes for innovation and technology transfer
  • Strengthen research infrastructures, capital and skills to support innovation

Risorse utili

National Centers

Innovation Ecosystems

Research Intrastructures

Extended Partnerships

Risorse utili


The University has submitted its candidacy for some measures within the initiatives promoted by the Department for Digital Transformation through the Digital PA 2026 platform, which represents the access point to resources for this topic.

Restoration of historic gardens

The University of Florence participated in the call proposed as part of Mission 1 Component 3 (M1C3) for the enhancement and restoration of historic parks and gardens, for the recovery of the historic Garden of Villa La Quiete, part of the University Museum System.

  • Contacts

    Area Gestione progetti strategici e comunicazione
    Email: supporto_pnrr(AT)