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Health and Medical Care

Outpatient clinic for health assistance to non-resident students

The outpatient medical clinic offers a primary care service with the possibility of referral to in-depth diagnostics and/or therapy on a National Health Service prescription.

Free access to the clinic is granted to non-resident students enrolled at the University of Florence for the academic year 2022/2023, with a student card, health card and ID.

Casa della Salute
Viale Morgagni, 33 - Firenze
Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am-12pm | Tuesdays 3-6pm | Fridays 3-7pm
Access is by appointment, to reserve you must write an email to ambulatorio.studentiuniversitari(AT) or call 055-545454

Health and Medical Care

Health care for foreign citizens in Italy varies depending on the country of origin and duration of stay, but in any case all foreign nationals enrolled at University have the right to be covered by the National Health Care Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN) provided they pay a flat annual fee.

International academics

Citizens of the EU, EEA and Switzerland

  • For stays up to 90 days: 1) Either hold a TEAM card (Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia) which entitles them to obtain the same services provided by the National Health Service (SSN) to all Italian residents or 2) have private health insurance covering Italy
  • For stays of more than 90 days: 1) Either be registered in the National Health Service (SSN). Registration is free of charge and obligatory for certain categories of foreign nationals such as those who have a work contract where they pay personal income taxes in Italy. Enrolment is on a voluntary basis for foreign nationals who, for instance, are in Italy with a research or study permit or in case the work contract is not taxable (such as research grants) or 2) have private health insurance covering Italy.

Citizens coming from countries outside EU/EEA/Switzerland

  • For stays up to 90 days: With the exception of holders of specific types of residence permits who are registered in the National Health Service (SSN), foreign nationals will be able to receive emergency treatments and hospital care by paying the corresponding fees at the time of discharge. Tariffs are determined by Regional and Provincial governments. It is advisable, however, to take out private health insurance covering Italy. Several Non EU countries have signed bilateral agreements or conventions with Italy. It is possible to get the specific form for the extension of the coverage from the country of origin to Italy before leaving for short stay. Once in Italy, this paper must be submitted to ASL which will issue a confirmation of health coverage in Italy (read more on Ministero della Salute website, in Italian).
  • For stays of more than 90 days: Foreign nationals that do not have the right to register in National Health Service (SSN) must take out private health insurance either prior to arrival in Italy and covering the entire Italian territory or upon arrival to Italy with an Italian insurance company. Alternatively, they can apply to be registered in the SSN by paying the required fees.

Please note: Make sure that your private health insurance is valid in Italy by checking with an Italian diplomatic office located in your country of origin.

International students

International students, both from within and outside the EU that are enrolled at university can register to the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN) for the duration of their studies.

The registration will entitle the student to be enrolled in the regional health service system, to choose a General Practitioner and to receive the same healthcare services as any Italian citizen.

The registration expires on the December 31 of every year and has a lump cost of € 700,00 (modello F24 , codice tributo 8846, codice regione 17, anno di riferimento 202_).

For further information ASL Toscana centro website.

Non-EU citizen need to have a residency permit "for study reasons". If the permit expires before December 31, the registration will expire on the same date. It will then be extended at no extra cost once the permit is renewed.

Foreign students that wish to utilise the services of the health system, need to register by handing in the necessary documents as per lists below to any of the “Sportelli dell’Anagrafe Sanitaria”.

Check list of documents required for EU students

  • ID 
  • Tax Identification Number (codice fiscale)
  • self-declaration of school attended
  • receipt of payment of registration fee
  • form: Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale Scheda statistica di cui all’art. 10 D.M. 8 October 1986 (pdf on ASL Toscana centro website)

Check list of documents required for non-EU students

  • passport with visa
  • valid residency permit "for study reasons" (permesso di soggiorno "per motivi di studio") or postal kit in case of first issue
  • and Tax Identification Number (codice fiscale)
  • receipt of payment of registration fee
  • form: Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale Scheda statistica di cui all’art. 10 D.M. 8 October 1986 (pdf on ASL Toscana centro website)
  • certification/self-certification of enrollment at the University.

Further information is available on the Ministry of Health website.

Registration to the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN)

Those who are registered to SSN have the same rights and duties of Italian citizens including the co-payment of fees for the services provided (ticket). The contribution varies according to the financial situation of the applicant. In some cases (e.g. students) applicants pay a flat fee.

For more information please refer to the local health offices in your area of residency and visit Azienda USL Toscana Centro website (in Italian only). Further info on health system assistance for foreigners on Azianda USL Toscana Centro (external link - in Italian only).

The main hospital in Florence is Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria AOU Careggi, situated in Largo Brambilla, 3 - Firenze. For more information visit the website.
There is a desk dedicated to foreign citizens: Foreigners’ Hospitalisation Office  / Ufficio Spedalità Stranieri.