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Health and Medical Care

Outpatient clinic for health assistance to non-resident students

The outpatient medical clinic offers a primary care service with the possibility of referral to in-depth diagnostics and/or therapy on a National Health Service prescription.

Free access to the clinic is granted to non-resident students enroled at the University of Florence for the current academic year, with a student card, health card and ID.

Casa della Salute
Viale Morgagni, 33 - Firenze
Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9am-12pm | Tuesdays 3-6pm | Fridays 3-7pm
Access is by appointment, to reserve you must write an email to ambulatorio.studentiuniversitari(AT) or call 055-545454

Health and Medical Care

Health care for foreign citizens in Italy varies depending on the country of origin and duration of stay, but in any case all foreign nationals enrolled at University have the right to be covered by the National Health Care Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN) provided they pay a flat annual fee.

Off-site students who wish to take advantage of medical assistance must provide for the temporary registration of the health home, delivering the following documentation to one of the "Sportelli dell’anagrafe sanitaria - Health registry desks".

  • Temporary enrolment form for health care
  • Tessera TEAM (Tessera Europea Assicurazione Malattia) - EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)
  • Paper health card
  • Copy of identity document
  • Certificate attesting to enrolment at the University of Florence or photocopy of the university record document

This procedure allows you to choose the "medico di base - general practitioner" as an alternative to that of the municipality of residence for a period of one year, a period that can be renewed if necessary.

Foreign students - EU and non-EU - enroled at the University are entitled to voluntary enrolment for the duration of the course of study. 
Voluntary registration gives the right to registration with the regional health service, to choose the doctor and to all services on a par with the Italian citizen.

Registration has a duration of one year per calendar year, therefore it expires on 31 December of the reference year and has a flat rate cost of € 700.00 (to be paid using form F24, tax code 8846, region code 17, reference year ____).

NB. The sum specified above does not cover dependent family members if they have no income in Italy and abroad (the scholarship or any subsidies provided by Italian public bodies are not counted as income. If the student has income in addition to the scholarship, the amount to be paid is that provided for the "Residence permit for other cases").

For non-EU citizens, a residence permit is required for "study" reasons. If the residence permit expires before 31 December, registration will close when the residence permit expires, and will be reopened upon submission of the renewal application, at no additional cost.

Foreign students who wish to take advantage of medical assistance must voluntarily enrol by submitting the required documentation to one of the "Sportelli dell’Anagrafe Sanitaria - Health Registry Desks".

Documentation required of EU students:

  • identity document and codice fiscale - tax code
  • self-certification of the school attended
  • proof of payment of voluntary contribution
  • form "Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - Voluntary registration with the National Health Service" (statistical sheet pursuant to art. 10 of the Ministerial Decree of 8 October 1986)

Documentation required for non-EU students:

  • passport with visa
  • valid residence permit for "study" purposes (or postal kit in case of first issue)
  • codice fiscale - tax code
  • Proof of payment of voluntary contribution
  • form "Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - Voluntary registration with the National Health Service" (statistical sheet pursuant to art. 10 of the Ministerial Decree of 8 October 1986)

Citizens from countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland

Stays of less than 90 days: Citizens of the European Union, the EEA and Switzerland present on Italian territory for stays of less than three months can choose one of the following options:

  • use health care in Italy if they are in possession of the Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia (TEAM) - European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which entitles them to obtain health services paid for by the Italian National Health Service and therefore allows them to use assistance under the same conditions provided for those assisted by the SSN-NHS;
  • be holders of private health insurance valid in Italy.

Stays of more than 90 days: Citizens of the European Union, EEA and Switzerland who intend to stay in Italy for a period of more than 90 days can choose one of the following options to registered with the National Health Service (SSN):

  • Compulsory registration with the SSN (free of charge) is possible, for example, in the event that the foreign citizen has an employment contract in Italy subject to IRPEF taxation. Voluntary registration with the SSN is possible, for example, for foreign citizens in possession of a permit for study and/or research purposes and in the event that the type of employment contract is not subject to IRPEF obligations (e.g. in the case of a research grant).
  • be holders of private health insurance valid in Italy.

Citizens from non-EU/EEA/Switzerland countries

Stays of less than 90 days: For non-EU citizens present on Italian territory for stays of less than three months, there is no registration with the SSN (except for those who are in possession of specific types of residence permit); they can take advantage of urgent hospital services (Emergency Room, outpatient, ordinary hospitalization or day hospital), for which the relative rates must be paid in full at the time of discharge. The rates of health services are determined by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. It is recommended to take out a private health policy valid in Italy.

Some non-EU countries have signed bilateral agreements or conventions with Italy, which allow you to extend the health coverage of the country of origin to Italy before leaving for a short-term stay.

Stays of more than 90 days: Foreign citizens who are not among those who are automatically registered with the SSN and who intend to stay in Italy for a period of more than 90 days, must be holders of:

  • private health insurance valid in Italy, to be contracted before departure
  • private health insurance to be taken out in Italy with an Italian insurance company

or, alternatively, they can request:

  • voluntary registration with the NHS upon payment of the contribution due.

It is recommended to check the validity of private health insurance in Italy with the competent Italian diplomatic authority in the country of origin.

Registration to the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN)

Those who are registered to SSN have the same rights and duties of Italian citizens including the co-payment of fees for the services provided (ticket). The contribution varies according to the financial situation of the applicant. In some cases (e.g. students) applicants pay a flat fee.

For more information please refer to the local health offices in your area of residency and visit Azienda USL Toscana Centro website (in Italian only). Further info on health system assistance for foreigners on Azianda USL Toscana Centro.

The main hospital in Florence is Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria AOU Careggi, situated in Largo Brambilla, 3 - Firenze.
There is a desk dedicated to foreign citizens: Foreigners’ Hospitalisation Office  / Ufficio Spedalità Stranieri.

Centro Universitario Sportivo di Firenze (CUS)

C.U.S. – Centro Universitario Sportivo di Firenze – è l’organizzazione sportiva amatoriale e senza fine di lucro che, da oltre 60 anni, organizza e promuove l’attività sportiva tra gli studenti universitari fiorentini.