Alumnae and Alumni Home Alumnae and Alumni To celebrate the 100th anniversary of its most recent establishment, the University of Florence has created Unifi Alumni, a lively, inclusive, and international community, representative of the different scientific-disciplinary souls of the University. Consult Alumni website Cento e oltre. The AlumnUnifi Podcast Cento e oltre (One Hundred and More) is the podcast created by the University of Florence to give voice to the stories of those who studied at Unifi.A collection of testimonies presented as a two-voice dialogue to relive memories but also to discover dreams, goals, stumbles and course changes that each student experiences along their way. Listen on Spotify Join the Community Joining the Unifi Alumni Community is simple: to do so, simply register with Almalaurea and then access the MyAlumny platform.The Unifi Alumni Community is already active and has over 3000 members. MyAlumni platform Why join the Community To keep the link with one's training path alive and take advantage of further opportunities for growth and professional development.To learn about and benefit from career opportunities and outgoing guidance, created in synergy with companies and local authorities, tailored to the community.To continue to experience the University by participating in reserved events and meetings with other members of the community.To take advantage of the advantages and services available to members of the Community and get to know the artistic and museum heritage of the University of Florence in an exclusive way.To participate in Mentoring programs and get in touch with those who choose to share their experience and professionalism.To actively contribute to the development of a space for meeting, exchange and growth that nurtures interaction between the academic world and society. What are the advantages and opportunities offered Joining Unifi Alumni means being able to take advantage of a series of opportunities and services reserved for members of the community.Once you have registered through the platform, you will become part of the Unifi Alumni network and you will be able to immediately:receive a monthly newsletter to stay up to date on the various initiatives;participate in events reserved for community members;search for other members of the platform with whom you can connect.On this page will soon be published the list of the many types of agreements that are being activated, which can be accessed through a virtual Card issued to all members:concessions to access with discounts reserved for the University Museum System;agreements with the main theaters, cinemas, museums and art institutes in the area;discounts on Postgraduate training, CLA, CUS;reserved agreements on Unifi Merchandising;possibility to participate in reserved events, meetings with companies and dedicated training courses in collaboration with the Placement and Entrepreneurship office. Who can join the Community? All those who have completed a cycle of studies, Bachelor's and Postgraduate, at the University of Florence;international students who have spent a recognized period of study at Unifi;personalities who have distinguished themselves for merits or contributions of particular importance, in the context of the University's activities. 13 Mar Meeting "Time to Take the 'Big Bang' out of the Big Bang Theory? Events for the 100 years of Unifi | "Unifi Chairs - Paul J. Steinhardt" Aula Magna del Rettorato, piazza San Marco, 4 - Firenze