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Companies and organizations

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Companies and organizations

Discover the opportunities offered to companies by the University with its Departments, Centres and Laboratories, calls for tenders and various forms of collaboration.

How to offer an internship

Register with the service provided by the University to enter your offer in the database.

How to apply for Unifi Patronage

For initiatives of significant scientific, cultural and educational interest. 

Research activities for institutions and companies

The University makes its knowledge and instrumentation, as well as the professionalism of its researchers, available to public and private entities, so that research, training and laboratory services can be carried out at a fee.

Would you like to ask for advice or activate research in collaboration with the University of Florence? 

Placement services

The Job Placement Service facilitates meetings between organisations/companies and students/graduates for orientation, recruiting and employer branding purposes.

Looking for an opportunity to get in touch with our students/graduates?

How to become Sponsor of the University of Florence

Support the events, initiatives and activities of the University of Florence to enhance your image and collaborate with the University's professors to develop innovative projects.

Banco di prova per elettrolizzatore
Opened in Calenzano: prepared to perform scientific analyses and technical tests
Villa Montepaldi
Curated by the University of Florence and the Future Food Institute
I finalisti Unifi all'IP Award 2023
Two inventions take first place in the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy competition
ricerca unifi
“T-Power,” focused on Life Sciences, led by the University of Florence
According to the QS Sustainability and UI Green Metric rankings
Presa dal sito dell'evento
Call for best business initiatives open until 10 September