FLOrence REsearch - FLORE is the open-access institutional archive of the University of Florence and is the University's research registry.It uses the Institutional Research Information System (IRIS), the new research data management platform of the Cineca consortium, which has unified and developed two previous product lines, U-GOV Catalog by Cineca and Surplus by Cilea, based on indications provided by the universities participating in Cineca.Metadata for the documents are freely accessible, whereas full text is only accessible when authors have given permission to it. Search FLORE-IRIS Instructions on Posting Publications Filling in the field Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Guidelines for the deposit and publication of research products in FLORE, the institutional repository of the University of Florence Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Flore - linee guida per la pubblicazione Flore - FAQ See also Publish to Open Access Unifi Open Science Patent portfolio