The ombudsman (garante) is an office provided for in the University Statute (art. 23): it operates and expresses opinions to guarantee freedom of teaching and research and the rights of students, academic and technical/administrative staff. The ombudsman advises also on issues regarding the code of ethics of the University of Florence. The ombudsman office is not an information desk; its function is to step in when a complaint is filed regarding actions carried out by the University that may be in violation of the current university laws. To access the ombudsman one should send an email stating the case via a form downloadable from the University website. The procedure is free of charge and total privacy regarding all parties concerned is assured. Statute and regulations The Ombudsman and Office The Ombudsman per il quadriennio 2021-2025, is avv. Alessandra Dapas (decree - pdf).Erika Console works at the Ombudsman Office. Contacts Ombudsman of the University of Florence Piazza San Marco, 4 - Florence garante.diritti(AT)unifi.itPEC: garante.diritti(AT)pec.unifi.itPh: 055 275 7257By appointment with a detailed memo regarding the object of the consultation. Opinions and Relations Consult the relevant webpage in Italian.