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The University Choir

The University Choir of Florence is the official choir of the University, open to the participation of students, administrative staff, professors and all lovers of choral singing.

Founded in 1996, the University Choir of Florence is a mixed choir, with a predominantly a cappella repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to contemporary music, both sacred and secular. In 2000, it was established as an association, with the aim of promoting choral music in the university context, also through the organization of concerts, competitions and festivals.

The Choir also sees the participation of many foreign students who, during their stay in Florence, find a welcoming and inclusive environment, where they can cultivate their love for music with seriousness and commitment, but also with lightness.

Over the course of its activity, it has collaborated with university choirs from Palermo, Trieste, Parma, Salerno, Perugia, Siena, Pisa, Hartford (USA), Lyon, Budapest, Rome Tor Vergata, Camerino, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Bolzano, Venice, Ferrara, Bologna, Constance (Germany).

In December 2011, it received the special recognition of a choir of national interest for the quality and excellence of its activity from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The Choir regularly participates in official ceremonies and the main cultural initiatives promoted by the University. For the inauguration of the 2024 academic year, in the Centenary year of the University, it performed in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

An essential appointment is the traditional Christmas concert, during which the three artistic companies of the University, Choir, Orchestra and Theater Company, perform. For the 2023 edition, the concert Voci di Pace, Note di Pace was held in the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata.

In 2018, 2022 and 2023, it participated in the University Choir Festival organized by the University of Urbino (UNInCANTO), winning the 2022 edition.

It was directed by Valerio del Piccolo from its founding until 2005 and by Valentina Peleggi until 2015. Currently, the Choir is under the guidance of maestro Patrizio Paoli and utilizes the collaboration of Nadia Sturlese as a vocal technique teacher.

Rehearsal Schedule and Venue

Tuesday and Thursday 9 pm-11 pm

Aula Battilani
via Santa Reparata, 25r - Florence

Videos of the Choir in action

The Choir at the Meyer Children's Hospital's Open Day

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