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Soft skills


The program of the 2024/2025 cycle is being defined.

The teaching of soft skills – defined by the European Union as key competences for learning – is fundamental for PhD students and is integrated with the disciplinary path offered by PhD courses.

The offer complements many teachings with new courses in various areas, not least ethics and research integrity. The areas of reference are:

  • Functional literacy skills
  • Language skills
  • Mathematical skills and skills in science, technology and engineering
  • Digital skills
  • Personal, social and learning skills
  • Civic Skills
  • Entrepreneurial skills
  • Skills in cultural awareness and expression

General information


It is possible to register by accessing the application Registration for University events. For some courses dates and times have not yet been defined, it is advisable to periodically check the application for updates/changes of dates and times.

Maximum number of participants in each course

Normally the courses do not have a maximum limit of participants, where present the maximum limit is set in the registration application.

Courses in English

Courses that will be taught in English (or that could be taught in English depending on the audience of attendees) are indicated by an asterisk next to the title.

Methods of the course

The teacher will send the link to access the classroom in the days leading up to the course and will take care to send the list of those present to the PhD Office.

Knowledge of a foreign language

Where the supervising professor of the thesis deems it necessary, with an appropriate request, to acquire a level of knowledge of the foreign language (or of the Italian language for foreigners) higher than that possessed by the PhD student, the achievement of this level, if documented with the relevant certificate from the University Language Center (CLA) or other accredited institution presented to the Academic Board, allows the recognition of 2 credits in the field of soft skills.

It should be noted that the recognition of the 2 CFU for any language course, carried out at the request of the tutor who indicates the need to acquire a level of knowledge of the foreign language or of the Italian language for foreigners, can be carried out only once in the three-year course. It should be noted that in general, language courses, even those carried out outside the University, may, in any case, be recognized, for the purposes of obtaining the 6 compulsory, a maximum of 2 credits.

The credits obtained by each PhD student with participation in the courses (unless otherwise indicated in the course details) will be recorded by the PhD Office and transmitted to the Course Coordinators at the end of the academic year of the cycle of soft skills, for the recognition of the 6 credits in soft skills to be achieved compulsorily in the three-year course period. 

Each sheet indicates the credits recognized following participation in at least 70% of the course, in case of participation in only some lessons the credits will be counted based on actual attendance. Credits will not be recognized for attendance of less than 3 hours (unless otherwise indicated in the course sheet).

The correspondence is 1 credit for 6 hours of lessons. For the attribution of credits reference will be made to the following equivalence table:

Hours of attendance | Credits

  • 3-4 ore | 0,50 credit
  • 5-7 ore | 1 credit
  • 8-10 ore | 1,50 credit
  • 11-13 ore | 2 credits
  • 14-16 ore | 2,50 credits

Some courses provide for a different credit/h ratio, the recognized credits are indicated in the relative sheet.

I corsi non presenti in calendario, ma organizzati dall’Ateneo o da Università consorziate/convenzionate, potranno essere riconosciuti dal Collegio dei Docenti dietro presentazione da parte del dottorando di attestazione con l’indicazione della durata in ore (da richiedere all’ufficio dell'Università di Firenze o all’Ateneo organizzatore del corso). Il Collegio dei Docenti, nel riconoscere i corsi esterni all’Ateneo, dovrà attenersi al quadro di competenze trasversali illustrato nel testo introduttivo.

Courses not included in the calendar, but organized by the University or by consortium/affiliated universities, may be recognized by the Academic Board upon presentation by the doctoral student of a certificate indicating the duration in hours (to be requested from the office of the University of Florence or from the university organizing the course). The Academic Board, in recognising courses outside the University, must comply with the framework of soft skills illustrated in the introductory text.

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