Access to current documentation External users who request copies or consultation of recently archived documents must send an e-mail to archivio-proto(AT), attaching the form relating to the requested service Modulo richiesta di copia conforme degli atti di repertorio per utenti esterni Deposit and historical archive address: via Cittadella, 7 – 50144 Firenzee-mail: archivio-dep-storico(AT)adm.unifi.itThe Deposit Archive deals with the proceedings concluded in the last 40 years concerning the various aspects of the activities carried out in the University that have been paid by the administrative units.The Historical Archive preserves, manages and makes available for consultation the documents relating to business and administrative procedures concluded over 40 years ago and destined for permanent conservation.The computerized catalogue of the University's historical documentary heritage can be consulted on the Chartae portal: The archival collections of the University of Florence.Former students who, after the end of their career, have not yet collected the high school diploma delivered at the time of enrolment at our University (document required until 2001), can request it by sending an e-mail to archivio-dep-storico (AT), attaching the form and a copy of a valid identification document (read also: The opportunities of self-certificationTo consult the documentation and access the Study Room of the Historical Archive and related services (by appointment only) it is necessary to fill in the appropriate form in advance Historical Archive Chartae portal: The archival collections of the University of Florence Ritiro diploma maturità (documento richiesto fino al 2001) Autocertificazione Modulo di accesso o richiesta di servizi di ricerca nell’Archivio Storico FAQ Documenti contenuti nel fascicolo della carriera universitaria Con la conclusione del percorso di studi presso l’Ateneo fiorentino (laurea, rinuncia, decadenza o trasferimento) i documenti relativi all’iscrizione e alla carriera sono periodicamente inviati dalle Segreterie amministrative studenti all’Archivio di deposito. Possono essere richiesti il libretto universitario, il diploma maturità, il certificato sostitutivo e per gli studenti stranieri il diploma originale, la traduzione giurata e la dichiarazione di valore oltre a tutti i titoli originali presentati per chiedere l’equipollenza del titolo di laurea straniero. How to request the control of self-certifications External bodies wishing to obtain confirmation of qualifications and/or data must send a request by email to archivio-proto(AT) or by certified email to the university(AT) applications must be drawn up on headed paper, registered, stamped and signed.Private entities must attach to the request the authorization of the interested party to process the data and a copy of a valid identification document. How to apply for university file documents Withdrawal is made by filling in and sending form 08D to the e-mail address archivio-deposito (AT) or by fax to the number 0552756773.The form must be signed in original and accompanied by a copy of the identity document. The collection can also be done by a delegate, following the procedure provided in the form.The applicant will be contacted by the archive staff to make an appointment for collection at the headquarters in via Cittadella, 7.If the request is not made correctly, the archive staff will inform the interested parties of the corrections to be made. In this case, the request will follow a precise correction and validity process.In the event that the office is unable to contact the user, or does not show up for the agreed collection appointment, the file will be left pending for two months (with a reminder sent at the end of the first month) before being archived. Once the terms of storage of the application have expired, the user will have to resubmit it from scratch if interested in collection.To collect the degree diploma, degree diplomas and qualification, you do not have to contact the Deposit Archive, but follow the procedure described. How to collection of degree and qualification diplomas Which documents can be consulted The historical archives of public bodies are freely available. The user who intends to access the documents stored in the Archive must request consultation in the ways provided by our service.However, there are limitations to the consultation of documents that are defined as "confidential", according to the provisions of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, art. 122 paragraph 1, "State Archives and historical archives of public bodies: consultation of documents", i.e. those relating to the foreign and internal policy of the State and those with sensitive data, i.e. personal information regarding race, political, philosophical and religious beliefs, membership of parties and trade unions, state of health, sex life and confidential family relationships. Consultation of these documents is forbidden for:the last 40 years for those relating to race, political, philosophical and religious beliefs, membership of parties and trade union associations;the last 50 years for documents containing data relating to the external and internal policy of a State;the last 70 years for those relating to the state of health, sexual life and confidential family relationships.The consultation for scholars takes into account the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data for Historical Purposes, Annex 2 to the Code on the Protection of Personal Data, Legislative Decree 196/2003.For the consultation of confidential documents by third parties, the authorization of the owner of the file or his heirs is required, in the event of the death of the same. Access to documents and the processing of personal data are managed in compliance with the rules on consultation present in the Code of Cultural Heritage and the rules on confidentiality, art. 123 "State Archives and Historical Archives of Public Bodies: Consultation of Confidential Documents", by Legislative Decree No. 42 of 22 January 2004, i.e. Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, pursuant to Art. 10 of Law no. 137 of 6 July 2002; Article 11 "Methods of processing and data requirements", of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, i.e. the Code regarding the protection of personal data. How to request consultation of the University's historical documents For consultation and historical research, before going to the consultation rooms of the historical archive, it is necessary to fill in and send to the e-mail archive-deposit (AT) the form accompanied by a copy of the identity document. The staff will arrange an appointment with the applicant.For photographic and filmographic reproduction, reproductions of archival assets not subject to consultation restrictions are considered free, for the sole activities of study, research, free expression of thought or creative expression, promotion of knowledge of cultural heritage, carried out on a non-profit basis, as provided for by art. 122 of Legislative Decree no. 42/2004, taking into account the amendments provided for in art. 1, paragraph 171, Law no. 124 4/2017, "Annual Law for the Market and Competition", amending art. 108, Concession fees, reproduction fees, deposit, Legislative Decree 42/2004.To request reproduction, please fill in the form. Modulo di accesso o richiesta di servizi di ricerca nell’Archivio Storico Regulations and documents Code of Cultural Heritage and LandscapePersonal Data Protection CodeRegulations for the authorization of photographic and filmographic reproductions of the University of FlorenceRegulations of the University Archival SystemCharter of services of the University archival systemDocument Management ManualSingle classification holderSummary of selection and rejection of administrative documents Normattiva portal Statute and Regulations Manuale di gestione documentale Titolario unico di classificazione Massimario di selezione e scarto dei documenti amministrativi