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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are the European Union's main reference programme for PhD and post-PhD training, with the aim of enhancing the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and to acquire new skills through international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. 

Researchers who receive funding have to move from one country to another to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to develop their research career. 

These actions are open to all disciplinary areas and comprise three funding schemes.

The aim of the Doctoral Networks actions is to build innovative PhD programmes through partnerships of academic and non-academic institutions, from all over Europe and beyond. 

Through growth opportunities at international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral level, Doctoral Networks aim to train highly qualified PhD students, stimulating creativity, improving their innovation capabilities and increasing their long-term career opportunities, inside and outside the academy, through a bottom-up approach, which includes the possibility of submitting proposals on any topic and in all disciplines. 

The University of Florence offers dedicated support to all professors and researchers of the University who are involved in the submission of proposals in response to the MSCA-DN Call as coordinators or beneficiaries, through various in-depth opportunities and services.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship calls for individual mobility projects of scholars and scientists of all ages, nationalities and disciplines, through a bottom-up approach, which therefore provides for the possibility of submitting proposals in all scientific disciplines.

The University of Florence encourages participation in the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships actions as tools to attract talented researchers from all over the world and support the career development of researchers. 

All researchers submitting a proposal with Unifi as host institution are provided with assistance during the preparation of the individual project proposal, support material and a pre-screening and review service of the proposals.

The University of Florence welcomes researchers from all over the world and offers them a unique opportunity to work with highly qualified research groups in a wide interdisciplinary network of scientific areas within these actions.

The action finances the establishment of partnerships for the implementation of activities within a joint research project in order to promote international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and ideas among different organisations in the academic and non-academic sector (in particular SMEs).

The proposed activities must aim to exploit the complementary skills of the participants, through the implementation of secondments of staff involved in research and innovation activities of the participating organisations. 

Through the implementation of such secondments, the action will enable the staff involved to acquire new skills and intends to promote the career development of the staff involved.

For those who choose to participate in the MSCA Calls, the University - through the European and International Research Process Unit - offers support services and technical assistance with:

  • dedicated information on the available calls
  • organization of information and training meetings
  • evaluation of the proposed ideas 
  • support in writing the proposal
  • application pre-screening
  • support in the financial and administrative management of the proposals

Contacts: eleonora.agresti(AT) - ricercaue(AT)

MSCA Helpdesk

Researchers interested in submitting an individual application for Post Doctoral Fellowships can contact the European and International Research Process Unit. 

In particular, external researchers who intend to choose Unifi as a Host Institution can consult the supervision offers currently available or contact the European and International Research Process Unit to request assistance in identifying a supervisor.