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Quality of Teaching

Teaching Quality Assurance is implemented through the control of the management, review and improvement processes of the Degree Programmes.

In particular, the Degree Programmes and the individual structures are oriented by the University, through the Quality Assurance Committee, to the balance between Quality Assurance, focused on meeting predetermined requirements and a commitment to continuous improvement, understood as the ability to design up-to-date training objectives aligned with the best national and international examples.

To this end, the internal evaluation system verifies the regularity of the training programs of the degree courses, considering all the parties involved and verifying the overall quality of the training results.

La SUA-CdS è lo strumento gestionale funzionale per la progettazione, realizzazione, autovalutazione e ri-progettazione dei corsi di studio.

A livello di progettazione, la Scheda raccoglie, tra altre cose, le informazioni utili a rendere noti gli obiettivi ed il percorso formativo del CdS, i risultati di apprendimento e gli insegnamenti collegati, i profili in uscita, le strutture a disposizione.

Per quanto riguarda l’autovalutazione e la ri-progettazione, la SUA-CdS raccoglie le responsabilità che attengono alla gestione del sistema di AQ del CdS, i presupposti per il riesame periodico del suo impianto, le eventuali correzioni individuate e i possibili miglioramenti.

The SUA-CdS is the functional management tool for the design, implementation, self-assessment and re-design of degree programmes.

At the design level, the Form collects, among other things, the information useful for making known the objectives and the training course of the Degree Course, the learning outcomes and related courses, the outgoing profiles, the structures available.

With regard to self-assessment and re-design, the SUA-CdS collects the responsibilities relating to the management of the QA system of the CdS, the prerequisites for the periodic review of its system, any corrections identified and possible improvements.

According to a timetable defined annually by the Ministry, the two sections that make up the Form, the Administration Section and the Quality Section, are updated by the individual Degree Programmes and made public by the Ministry of Education on the Universitaly portal, dedicated to informing students and their families.

The Annual Monitoring Form aims to verify the adequacy of the learning objectives that the degree course has set itself, the correspondence between the objectives and the results, as well as the effectiveness of the management of the individual course of study.

The Fact Sheets concern the data published by ANVUR about entry into the Degree Course, the regularity of the course of study, the exit from the Degree Course and entry into the world of work, internationalization and qualitative / quantitative indicators of teaching.

The Review Group of each individual Degree Programme has the task of carrying out the self-assessment activity by drawing up a comment on the indicators present in the Annual Monitoring Sheets. The comment must be formally approved by the Course Council, as a deliberative collegial body.

The Cyclical Review Report is the self-assessment activity that each Degree Programme is required to carry out considering the entire training project. Since it refers to a period of time containing the entire course of a cohort of students, the Report assesses the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the degree course, in order to identify corrections and/or improvement actions.

The Cyclical Review is requested by ANVUR periodically, with a periodicity not exceeding five years. Shorter intervals can be held close to the visit for periodic accreditation, at the request of the Evaluation Committee, on the initiative of the Degree Programme in the event of strong anomalies in the indicators, or in cases where important changes are made with a redesign of the Degree Programme regulations.

The Report of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee, broken down by degree course, takes into consideration the overall educational offer and the results of the survey of student opinion, indicating any specific problems to the individual degree courses.

The CPDS Report, based on elements of independent analysis, is sent to the Presidents of the Degree Programmes, the Quality Committee, the Evaluation Committee and the Academic Senate, who implement it and take action to develop proposals for improvement. The relevant aspects of this process are then highlighted both in the Reports of the NdV and in the Cyclical Review Reports.

The opinions of students and graduates on courses and Courses of Study are an integral part of the QA system of the Universities, representing one of the central aspects of the AVA system and a necessary requirement for accreditation.

This information is the essential source for identifying critical aspects and margins for improvement in the organisation of the degree course and in the teaching itself.

For the full effectiveness of teaching, in the primary interest of students, the primary users of the Degree Programmes, it is essential to correctly and fully regulate the process of designing and managing the educational offer, ensuring a profitable and effective achievement of the established strategic objectives.

The design of new Degree Programmes must refer to general principles, such as consistency with the objectives of the University's Strategic Plan, attention to the needs and potential for development of the territory, the centrality of students, and the interaction between teaching and research.