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Actors of the Quality Assurance System

The University Quality Assurance system defined by ANVUR assigns specific roles and responsibilities for the management of the processes of internal assurance and evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of teaching, research and third mission activities.

Actors for QA at Central Level

University Bodies

The University's Central Bodies (Rector and Vice-Rectors, General Manager, Board of Directors, Academic Senate) have the task of defining the Quality Assurance (QA) policy and its objectives. The University's Central Bodies are also responsible for promoting the policy and objectives towards the entire organisation, according to a logic of awareness, sharing and maximum involvement. The University Central Bodies also have decision-making power according to the periodic evaluation of the results, based on the data provided by the University Quality Assurance Presidium (PQA) and the recommendations of the Evaluation Committee (NuV).

Evaluation Unit (NuV)

The Evaluation Unit (NuV) is configured as the University's internal evaluation body and as such interfaces with the Governing Bodies and the Quality Assurance Presidium. It carries out adequate and documented annual control and guidance activities of the overall Quality Assurance (QA) of the University, which result in opinions, recommendations and indications towards the Presidium and the Central Bodies of the University.

Actors for QA at the Degree Programme Level

In addition to the PQA and the NuV, the following are part of the University QA system:

Joint Teacher-Student Committee (CPDS)

The Joint Teacher-Student Committee (CPDS), governed according to art. 6 of the University Teaching Regulations, is the permanent observatory on the educational activities present in the Schools, therefore a structure of connection and coordination of the educational offer.

Following the analysis of the data and information independently obtained, the Commission draws up an annual report broken down by degree course, in which it takes into consideration the overall educational offer, with particular reference to the results of the survey of student opinion and indicates any specific problems to the individual degree courses.

The CPDS Report, based on elements of independent analysis, is received by the Evaluation Committee, the PQA and the CdS, which receive it and take action to develop proposals for improvement (in collaboration with the CPDS or other student representatives). The relevant aspects of this process are then highlighted both in the Reports of the Evaluation Unit and in the Cyclical Review Reports.

The composition of the CPDS, and their Annual Reports, can be found on the individual web pages of the Schools.

Review Group

The Review Group is a special commission of the Degree Programmes with the task of self-assessment of the educational offer provided by the course, which also includes the student component. The primary task of the Review Group is to identify the strengths, with the aim of maintaining them unchanged over time, and the areas for improvement on which to take subsequent actions.

The Review Group is responsible for the correct conduct of the internal evaluation and reports the results to the Course Council. This allows for a complete sharing of strengths and areas for improvement. The Council approves the improvement plan and the President of the Course is responsible for reviewing and implementing the actions identified. The Course of Study and the Review Group liaise with the School of affiliation and with the Presidium for an adequate coordination of actions relating to the quality of training.

The composition of the Review Groups and the reports relating to the Cyclical Review Report(s) can be found on the individual web pages of the Schools.

The Course of Study

The degree course applies, within the scope of its competence, the policies and general guidelines for Quality established by the University Central Bodies and carries out self-assessment activities of its educational offer also on the basis of information and data provided by the Quality Committee. The degree course carries out the evaluation of teaching internally according to what is prepared at the University level, evaluating effectiveness and promoting continuous improvement.

The degree course is responsible for the information reported in the ANVUR documents (SUA-CdS, Review, SMA) and takes care of its drafting within the established timeframe.

Actors for QA at School and Department Level

The Schools

Considering the considerable commitment that Quality Assurance requires, in order to homogenize processes, conduct synergistic actions and enhance the professionalism of individuals, a network of specialized referents is formalized, consisting of operators from the Schools and the Educational Services Area. There is a teacher-contact person and an administrative-contact person in close connection with the University Quality Assurance Committee (PQA). The network of administrative representatives of the Schools, which has already existed since 2013, was formalized in 2017 by the General Manager (pdf).

The Departments

These are the fundamental organisational structures for carrying out scientific research, teaching and training activities, for the transfer of knowledge and innovation and for externally related or ancillary activities.

The Department applies, within the scope of its competence, the general policies and guidelines for Quality established by the University Central Bodies; defines policies and objectives for research and technology transfer and carries out self-assessment activities; promotes continuous improvement and assesses its effectiveness; is responsible for the information reported in the Departmental Annual Report.

Within the individual Departments, the figure of a Contact Person is therefore identified who connects with the Quality Presidium.

The Research Observatory

The Research Observatory aims to systematically detect and monitor the consistency and relevance of the University's research activities and their results, with a view to maintaining and continuously improving recognized levels of quality.

The Research Observatory also has the task of monitoring the quality of the research products of the permanent and non-permanent staff, working at the various structures of the University. In relation to these monitoring and on the basis of specific requests from the Rector, the University Central Bodies (SA and Board of Directors) and the Research Committee, the Observatory produces documents aimed at verifying the quality of the University's research and improving performance.