The European University for Well-Being (EUniWell) is a European university alliance selected for funding by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and Horizon 2020. EUniWell currently unites 11 universities in a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary, knowledge-based perspective. In addition to the University of Florence, EUniWell includes the Universities of Birmingham (England), Cologne (Germany), Konstanz (Germany), Inalco (France), Linnaeus (Sweden), Murcia (Spain), Nantes (France), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Semmelweis (Hungary), and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). Furthermore, EUniWell is supported by more than 60 associated partners from all sectors of society.The alliance’s core mission is to understand, improve, measure, and rebalance the well-being of individuals, our own community, and society, as well as renewing European research and education. Activities take place within research arenas and work packages that bring together academics, experts, administrative staff, and students from all partner universities. Consult EUniWell website Internship offer for a EUniWell Erasmus+ student at Linnaeus University in Kalmar and Växjö (Sweden) - deadline 23 March 2025For information and submission of the application write to [email protected] Bando | Call Thematic Arenas Within the Erasmus+ programme, EUniWell focuses on well-being in four interdisciplinary research areas, called "arenas", aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and with the priority areas of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, of the EU Council.These priority areas are where EUniWell's partner universities are global leaders in research and education, and where their strengths and synergies are strongest, enabling them to have the maximum impact.By working collaboratively with political institutions and with stakeholders in society, EUniWell aims to generate new knowledge and play a critical and intermediary role in the development of research-based policies. Through the research-innovation-education nexus, the alliance aims at supporting quality education, training, and the development of fundamental skills for students, researchers, academics and administrative staff, in addition to have a measurable impact on the well-being and quality of life of European citizens. Arena 1: Health and Well-being Arena 2: Social Equality and Well-Being Arena 3: Environmental Change and Well-Being Arena 4: Culture, Multilingualism and Well-Being Arena 5: Teacher Education and Well-Being Unifi leads Unifi coordinates Arena 1 ( Health and Well-Being Arena) and Arena 3 (Environmental Change and Well-being).The Health and Well-Being Arena, inspired by UN Sustainability Goal 3 ‘Good Health and Well-Being’ (SDG 3), aims to promote universal well-being by fostering integration across genders, generations and cultures. Through interdisciplinary collaboration between all universities in the EUniWell alliance, it addresses the complex challenges associated with global health (One Health) and well-being, with a particular focus on emerging issues in these areas.The main objectives of the Arena include the promotion of innovative research and the development of educational programmes orientated towards wellbeing and health skills, as well as the strengthening the international networks of experts, with a focus on mental wellbeing. In addition, the Arena aims to actively engage communities through concrete initiatives, workshops, lectio magistralis and guidelines aimed at fostering healthy ageing, while promoting knowledge transfer and civic engagement. In this way, the Arena acts as a proactive response to demographic and epidemiological challenges, moving towards building a healthier, more inclusive and sustainable future.The Environmental Change and Well-Being Arena aims at fostering the creation of synergies between the research competences of the member universities of the EUniWell alliance, with the objective of addressing and analysing environmental issues, such as water and land use, as well as the effects of climate change on the environment and human well-being. By exploring climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies from multiple disciplinary perspectives, the arena involves experts from fields such as economics, social sciences, urban and agricultural studies, chemistry and biology. This interdisciplinary approach allows for the development of a comprehensive vision for understanding and responding to environmental challenges, in full consonance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Activities promoted by the Arena include formulating innovative lines of research on environmental issues, designing courses and training programmes for students at all levels, theses prizes, the implementation of a Green Office and the development of sustainable Campus, as well as organising dissemination and civic engagement. Seed Funding Call The Seed Funding Call promotes collaborative projects among researchers, students, professors, and administrative staff from at least four universities of the alliance.The programme supports initiatives in line with EUniWell's mission and contributes to deepening mutual ties and creating innovative ideas to promote well-being, improve existing collaborations between partners, and start new ones.The projects can cover a wide range of topics related to health (both mental and physical), individual and social well-being, quality education, and environmental sustainability, all essential elements for well-being and quality of life.Seed Funding Calls open twice a year and are jointly funded by all partner universities in the alliance. Each proposal submitted must involve at least 4 EUniWell partner universities and can receive funding of up to a maximum of 25,000 euros.The 8th EUniWell Seed Funding Call will open for applications on 20 January 2025, with projects to start on 1 June 2025. Seed Funding Call BIP - Blended Intensive Programme With the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, the University of Florence promotes the implementation of Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP), within the EUniWell alliance. BIPs are mixed intensive programmes that combine a short period of face-to-face activities with online learning activities, allowing students, lecturers and administrative staff to participate.For more information on BIPs organised by the University of Florence, please consult the relevant webpage.To explore the BIPs offered by the EUniWell Alliance, please refer to the EUniWell Course Catalogue. Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) webpage EUniWell Course Catalogue Student Board The Student Board comprises two representatives from each university in the consortium, as well as Student Executives and the Chief Student Officer. This allows an international and diverse group of students to represent the student bodies of individual universities, to be regularly in contact and to be involved in the decision-making process of EUniWell.At the University of Florence, there is also a larger student council involved in EUniWell activities. The council participates in online and in-person meetings, organises UniFi events on EUniWell themes, and spreads information about EUniWell opportunities among students.To join the student council, please email studentboard.unifi(AT)eunapplication.orgTo get involved and contribute to the organization of specific events, you can check the Euniwell news or subscribe to the Newsletter.Student Rep: Edoardo Gazzeri edoardo.gazzeri(AT) Newsletter Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning Unifi and EUniWell offer micro-credentials, designed to address specific skills gaps, support lifelong learning and the acquisition of new skills in a flexible manner.A micro-credential certifies the learning outcomes of a short learning experience. These results are recognised with transparent and clearly defined standards. Courses leading to micro-credentials are designed to provide the student with specific knowledge, skills and competences that meet social, personal, cultural or labour market needs. Students receive their micro-credentials through open badges, which contain metadata on the competences acquired and who holds them. Micro-credentials can be synchronous or asynchronous. Each badge is unique, readable on any computer, and the information is verifiable in real time by any system that supports Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI), making it ideal for supplementing one's CV. In some cases, micro-credentials correspond to educational credits (CFUs or ECTS), potentially recognisable within courses of study.The offer of micro-credentials is constantly growing, at the moment there are: Health Inequalities in Europe Education Towards Sustainable Futures EUniWell Staff Training Week Well-being Strategies for Academic Leaders Italian Access B1 Italian B2-C1 Online Academic Writing Intercomprehension between Germanic Languages Intercomprehension between Romance Languages Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals More information Opportunities and News Stay up to date with all news from Euniwell Available courses on the EUniWell Course catalogue EUniWell Open Lecture Series Open Lecture Series Research thesis awards EUniWell supports PhD students, invests in their training, and promotes innovative approaches in the field of scientific dissemination.Two PhD students from each partner university were selected for the 2022 research thesis award, with a total of 16 winners. The theses addressed two specific thematic areas: ‘Individual and social well-being’ and ‘Environment, urbanity and sustainable development. Unifi winners EUniWell at Unifi DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion: had the aim of drafting a coherent alliance-wide DEI strategy, which summarises objectives, defines tools and activities, and assigns responsibilities.Bright Night: Present your research project with Euniwell Ansia da esame: come gestirla?: Seminar at the Social Sciences Campus in NovoliEUniWell@Unifi, al via la nuova fase del progetto: A summary on our past achievements and future aims of the allianceEmpowerED: 22 April 2024 the University of Florence hosted a Euniwell initiative dedicated to soft skills development.Green Week: A week-long initiatives organised by the Green Office of the University of Florence on sustainability issues, in collaboration with Euniwell and under the patronage of the RUS (Network of Universities for Sustainable Development) Incubators: In 2022, EUniWell introduced a new initiative to promote collaboration in well-being research. DEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion Bright Night Ansia da esame: come gestirla? EUniWell@Unifi, al via la nuova fase del progetto EmpowerED Green Week Incubators Contacts The Head of EUniWell for Unifi is the vice-president for international relations, Giorgia GiovannettiInstitutional Coordinator: Niccolò del BuonoResearch Manager - Arena Health and Wellbeing: Irene CarradoriResearch Manager - Arena Environmental Change and Wellbeing: Sara RoncoStudent Engagement Officer: Federica RoldiSocial Media Manager: Martina TozziAdministrative and Financial Representative: Laura Moretti Student Board UniFi: studentboard.unifi(AT) email: euniwell(AT)unifi.itSubscribe to the Newsletter for regular highlights and save-the-dates for upcoming events. Newsletter