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Sustainable development, Florence confirms itself among the 'greenest' universities in Italy

According to the international UI Green Metric

The University of Florence is among the most environmentally aware universities in Italy.This is the result of the international UI Green Metric 2024: Unifi proudly holds the twelfth position nationally and is ranked among the top universities globally, securing (the 203rd spot out of 1477 universities in the survey).

"Sustainable development is increasingly becoming a key focus within the international academic community - notes Unifi's pro-rector for social impact Marco Pierini - and as a result, the number of universities being assessed continues to grow. This year, 294 more universities were included in the ranking, and this broad participation further strengthens our position, confirming a commitment that has been strategic for us for several years now".

Indeed, the University repeats its 2023 performance with an overall score of 7985 points, improving in three out of six indicators: "environment and infrastructure", "energy and climate change", "water management". Furthermore, last year's score is confirmed for the indicators "transport" and "education and research".

In addition to actions in the areas of energy saving, rational use of resources and sustainable mobility, Unifi carries out training and awareness-raising activities for the academic community on sustainable development issues throughout the year, also thanks to its Green Office.

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