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Unifi meets future students in Greece and Albania
The University in the top 250 in two areas
The eighth edition of the Seed Funding Call is now open
Regionally co-financed to boost the employability of young researchers
Opened in Calenzano: prepared to perform scientific analyses and technical tests
Dedicated to researchers working abroad for at least three years
The University of Florence obtains excellent results in the call promoted by the Ministry of University and Research
The café hall refurbished with portraits of Peter Leopold of Habsburg-Lorraine and Marie-Louise of Bourbon, recovered by the Carabinieri


Villa Ruspoli, aula rossa, piazza della Indipendenza, 9 - Firenze
Events for the 100 years of Unifi | "Unifi Chairs - Paul J. Steinhardt"
Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, via Sansone, 1 - Sesto Fiorentino
Events for the 100 years of Unifi | "Unifi Chairs - Paul J. Steinhardt"
Aula Magna del Rettorato, piazza San Marco, 4 - Firenze


Studying at the University of Florence

The places, people and activities of the Florentine University.

(by the Multimedia Lab of the University of Florence)

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